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How To Design Your Donation Form (Legacy)
How To Design Your Donation Form (Legacy)
Candace Cody avatar
Written by Candace Cody
Updated over a week ago

You're able to customize the branding on your donation form to match your own in just a few easy steps.

For An Embedded Form

You can customize the look and feel of your embedded donation form to match your website branding.

Step 1: Under Donation Form, select General Settings.

Step 2: Add a Title and Subtitle if desired.

Step 3: Scroll down to Donation Types, select the frequency of choice: one-time, recurring, and/or pledge tiers, and Save.

You can select up to 3 donation types. Any donation type that is not selected will remain hidden.

Default the donation type that you would like preselected when the donor opens the form.

Note: Currently recurring donations and pledges are only supported via Stripe.

Step 4 (optional): Enable Compact Tiers in the General Settings to remove descriptions from the tiers.

Here's an example of what compact donation tiers look like on the donation form:

Step 5: Edit your font style and accent/button color and Save.

You can choose between serif or sans serif font and add your own hex colors to match your branding.

Step 6: Preview your form.

When you've finished customizing the look and feel, you can toggle to preview the form in the upper right corner.

Note: Live payments are disabled on the donation form preview.

Additional Settings For Standalone Donation Pages

You can edit the logo, header background color, and button color for standalone donation pages.

Step 1: Under Fundraising Website, select Design Site.

Step 2: Remove the CauseVox logo by hovering your mouse over the Logo section and selecting Remove.

Note: Upload your own logo under 1100px W x 175px H.

Learn more about media dimensions.

Step 4: Select colors.

You can change the Header Background from the Colors and Background menu on the left.

Then, change the background color to match your own branding, or upload a background image.

Best Practices

  • The background image will appear different sizes based on the size of the browser window. It's best to upload an image that can repeat, or looks okay when only seen in part. We don't have recommendations for header image sizing. Then, select a button color that matches your brand.

  • We recommend using the brightest color as your Donate Button color.

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