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How Can I Share My Page? (Legacy)
Candace Cody avatar
Written by Candace Cody
Updated over a week ago

There's two ways you can share your fundraising page on social media though the platform: using the social sharing tools on your page, and using the social sharing tools on in your fundraising page account.

Social Sharing On Your Site

Step 1: Navigate to your personal fundraising page and select the share button. 

Step 2: Select your preferred social media platform to share your page on.

Step 3: After you have added your message, post or send it.

Social Sharing From Within Your Account

In this section, you can edit and send messages about your Personal Fundraising Page to your network of contacts. You can do so in the following steps:

Step 1: Log into your Personal Fundraising Page Account.

Step 2: Click on the Share button from your Dashboard menu.

Step 3: Select your preferred social media platform to share your page on. 

Note: From this screen, you can share a styled email out to your community by selecting the Email icon. View more information on Sharing Your Fundraising Page Through Email.

Step 4: After you have added your message, post or send it.

If you encounter any issues with Facebook sharing, you can fix it by following the steps in this support article: How To Solve Potential Facebook Errors

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