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Step by step to register on Cbet
Step by step to register on Cbet
Updated over a week ago

To create your player account at Cbet, your first step is to enter the 🔗 link

You must then click on the "Sign Up" button:

You will be redirected to the page below, where you must choose how you wish to start your registration:

You can choose to sign up through your Google email account (Gmail):

Simply choose the gmail account you wish to use to join CBet:

That's it! Your player account has just been created!

If you don't have a Google email account, you can choose the option Email :

And then fill in all the details that are requested in the sequence:

1/ "Username" - You will need to create a "nickname" for your account. In this field, do not use spaces, accented letters or special characters such as @ _! You can be very creative, use funny words, or simply use your full name without spaces. For example: if your full name is "Maria das Graças Albuquerque", you can create combinations like "MariaAlbuque" or "AlbuGraca" or simply "MariadasGracasAlbuquerque". You'll need your username to log in in the future, so write it down so you don't forget it 😉 .

2/ "Email address" - You will need to enter the email address you wish to associate with your player account.

3/ " Password " - You will need to create a secure password, to protect your data and assets. It should be made up of: uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters such as @! *

For example: AaBbCc123&.

The harder it is, the more secure your account will be.


4/ " Confirm password " - You must rewrite the password you just created in the previous field.

5/ " Currency " - Here you must click on the currency where you are currently located, in order to have all the correct options to deposit and withdraw

6/ "Bonus Code" - Don't worry about this field, it should be left empty.

Click on the green "Create an account" button and voila! Your account has been created!

Please note that before registering, it is essential that you read our Terms of Use ( 🔗 Europe / 🔗 Other Locations ) and Privacy Policy ( 🔗 Europe / 🔗 Other Locations ), and pay special attention to the following rules:

  • Each person can only have ONE active account on CBet;

  • Minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from having any association with casinos and are therefore prohibited from opening an account on CBet AND/OR using an account on behalf of a third party;

  • You are required to provide real information, i.e. you are not allowed to use third party information to open your account.

NOTE: regardless of which registration method you choose, you will need to fill in your personal information afterwards, but you can start playing anyway! 😉

We are very happy that you want to register with us. It is an honour for us!

We wish you the best of luck in all your bets ☘️

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