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Errors and Warnings

Read this article to help you handle Errors and Warnings in Schedule Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over 12 months ago

You can set up Errors and Warnings to flag shifts if you need to be notified that a shift may not or can not be worked under the current conditions.

Some examples are Double Bookings, Time Off Conflicts or Failed Qualifications.

The Validation panel shows if a shift flags an Error or Warning in Schedule Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on Errors and Warnings in Schedule Xpress:

Setting up Errors and Warnings


Error banners


Dynamics filters for Errors and Warnings

Setting up validations for Errors and Warnings

Before you face any Errors and Warnings in your Schedule, you'll first have to ensure that each Message Type is setup correctly.

In eTime Xpress, head to Configuration > Company/Branch > Branch > Branch Message Types.

Locating Branch Message Types in eTime Xpress

Inside, you'll see a list of Message Types which will appear as either an Error or Warning depending on your setup.

Branch Message Types in eTime Xpress

The two columns you'll want to take notice of, are:

  • Default Type - The Default Type determines whether the Message will default as an Error or Warning.

  • Message Type - The Message can be changed to suit your preference of whether the Message flags as an Error or a Warning.

To change a Message Type, click on the Message and press the Update button.

Update in Branch Message Types in eTime Xpress

Then, type in either Error or Warning.

Changing the Message Type to reflect Error or Warning in your Schedule

Once complete, the User, Date and Time will update to reflect who made the change and when.


Errors cannot be bypassed from within your Schedule. You will only be able to Discard the shift.

Errors in Schedule Xpress

An Error will flag as a red strip with an X on the top-left of a shift block.

Error flagged for a shift in Schedule Xpress

The reason for the Error will present in the Validation panel to the right. Some of the most common Errors are Time Off Conflicts and Double Bookings.

The reason for the Time Off Conflict Error is shown below the shift description in the Validation Panel in Schedule Xpress

If you click the 3 dots, you'll only be able to Discard changes.

Discard changes for a Time Off Conflict Errors in the Validation Panel in Schedule Xpress

Overriding Errors in Time Processing

If your Feature access group permits, you'll be able to override Errors from within Time Processing.

If you try to Add a shift or make changes to a shift in Time Processing, you'll be able to Ignore all errors.

You can Ignore errors from within Time Processing in Schedule Xpress

Error banners

If you try to make an invalid change to an employee, site or service profile, you'll be shown an error banner at the top of your screen. This will not disappear until you clear it by clicking the 'x'.

Error banner in Schedule Xpress

Additional error banner when error field is not in visible in employee and site forms

A new update will show a double error if you've not chosen to display the section in which the error occurs. You'll need to display the section in your Employee form or Site form, dependent on whether the error is in Manage people or Manage sites.

In the example below, a double error has occurred in the References section of the Employee profile. However, you can see that the References section hasn't been selected in the Employee form.

You'll receive a double error if there's a hidden error within one of the employee sections you've not chosen to view

If you receive a second error banner, ensure you've selected the correct section in your Employee form so that you can correct it.

Note: Once you've discarded the change, you'll be redirected to the Employee form.

If you receive a second error banner, ensure you've selected the correct section in your Employee form so that you can correct it


Warnings can be bypassed from within your Schedule. You can choose to Ignore warnings or Discard changes based on your own assessment.

Warnings in Schedule Xpress

A Warning will flag as a grey strip with a warning sign (exclamation mark) on the top-left of a shift block.

Warning flagged for a shift in Schedule Xpress

The reason for the Warning will present in the Validation panel to the right. Some of the most common Warnings are Failed Qualifications and Employee Daily Budget Exceeded (max hours per day).

The reason for each Warning is presented below the shift description in the Validation panel

If you click the 3 dots at the top of the Validation panel, you can choose to Ignore all warnings at once.

Ignore all warnings or Discard changes for Failed Qualifications Warnings in the Validation Panel in Schedule Xpress

Or, if you click the 3 dots on a specific shift, you can:

  • Ignore warning

  • Discard changes

  • Go to shift

  • Edit shift

You can Ignore warning, Discard changes, Go to shift or Edit shift individually if a shift has a Warning flagged

Dynamics filters for Errors and Warnings

If you're pasting a Shift Template that has many Errors and Warnings due to persistent changes in your Schedule, you can use your Dynamic filters to focus in on them.

Dynamic filters help you to find Errors and Warnings quickly

You can choose either Shift with warnings or Shift with errors.

Dynamic filters dropdown shows Shifts with warnings and Shifts with errors

For example, if you choose Shifts with errors, then only shifts with Errors will show. It provides a useful tool for dealing with Errors and Warnings, and prevents you from having to scroll and search for them.

Selecting Shifts with errors shows on shifts with Errors in Schedule Xpress

For more information on Errors and Warnings in Schedule Xpress, please Contact Support now!

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