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Manage services

All you need to know about managing your services in Schedule Xpress

Written by James Lewis
Updated over 10 months ago

Manage services is home to all of your services in Schedule Xpress. You can Add, Delete or Export your services from this section.

Manage services in Schedule Xpress

In this article, we'll look into the following on Manage services in Schedule Xpress:

Finding your Manage services

Manage services

Exporting services to PDF

Finding your Manage services

You can find your Manage services on the command strip on the left-edge. It appears as a briefcase.

Note: You may have labelled services by a different name in your Custom & Reference Labels, which will subsequently change the title.

Finding your Manage services in Schedule Xpress

Your services in Manage services

Your services will be listed in the Manage services section.

Your list of services in Manage services

You can use the search bar to search for a specific service.

Search bar for searching for services

Service status filter

You can use the Service status filter to search for:

  • All services

  • Active services

  • Inactive services

Services status filter in Manage services

Press Apply to activate your choice.

Press Apply to activate filter

Show services filter

You can use the Show services filter to search and show any service(s). You can check mark as many services as you'd like to show.

Show services filter in Manage services

Press Apply to activate your choice(s).

Press Apply to activate filter

Clear all filters

If you've chosen a filter to display, you can click Clear all filters to remove them. This will show all of your services data again.

Clear all filters in Manage services

Display columns

You can select and deselect columns to display using the 3 dots at the top-right of the grid.

Customizing your display columns in Manage services

Adding services

If you want to add a new service, you have two options inside of Manage services:

  • Add service - Use this option if you want to add the additional details, other than just the service name.

  • Quick add multiple - Use this option if you want to add multiple services in quick time by defining the service name only.

Let's break down both options.

Add service

You can find Add service towards the top-right corner of the Manage services section.

Add service in Manage services

Inside, you'll be able to define three sections:

  • General info - You need to add the Service name, Status and Service color.

  • Qualifications - You can add General qualifications and Service-authorized qualifications.

  • References - You can add References if required.

Filling out the form to add a new service

Press Save to complete, and the new service will appear in your Manage services list.

Quick add multiple

You can find Quick add multiple towards the top-right corner of the Manage services section.

Quick add multiple in Manage services

The only detail you need to include is the service name.

Creating service name in Quick add multiple

You can press Add service to add more lines so that you can add multiple services at once.

Add service allows you to add multiple lines in Quick add multiple

See example below of adding multiple services.

Adding multiple new services in Quick add multiple

Whether you choose to add a single service or multiple, ensure you press Add services to create them.

Click Add services to complete

Making a service Inactive

Making a service Inactive means that you no longer need to use the service in your Schedule, but still retain all the past history of associated shifts.

If you want to make a single service Inactive, click into the service profile, change the Status to Inactive, and click Save.

Changing Status of a service to make it Inactive

If you want to make multiple services Inactive, check mark them in your services list. Then, click Update services in the top-right corner.

Update employees to make a change to multiple services at once

You'll need to check mark Status in the Select fields to update.

Choose field Status to make a Status change

Then choose the Status as Inactive and Update services to complete.

Choose Status as Inactive to change all check marked services to Inactive. Press Update to complete

Deleting a service

If you want to delete a service, check mark the service, click your wrench tool and press Delete service.

Note: We don't encourage that you delete services if they have past history, such as they've been applied to shifts in your Schedule. The system will warn you that you need to delete the shifts associated in order to delete the service, which means you'll lose all the prior shift history. The best option is to make your service Inactive if it's no longer needed.

Delete service in Manage services

You can also delete a service from within a service profile.

You can Delete a service from within the service profile

You'll be asked to confirm that you definitely want to delete the service. Once you proceed, you'll be given a confirmation that your service has been deleted.

Success: Service deleted will show if the service was deleted

Exporting services to PDF

You have the option to export your services to PDF using the Export PDF option under the wrench tool. Ensure you chosen your columns to display prior to exporting, as the information in your export will be the same as displayed on screen.

Export PDF option allows you to export all services to PDF

When you click Export PDF, the system will generate a PDF. See an example below.

This is an example of a PDF export of your services

You can Download or Print the PDF.

You can Save and Print in the top-right corner

For more information on your Manage services module, please Contact Support now!

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