Manage people is home to all your employees and Users (admins) in Schedule Xpress. You can manage all of your employees and admins data from this section.
In this article, we'll look into the following on Manage people in Schedule Xpress:
Your Manage people
Manage people - Employees
Manage people - Adding employees
Manage people - Administration (Users)
Exporting to PDF or Excel
Finding your Manage people
You can find your Manage people on the command strip on the left-edge. It appears as two people with a settings cog.
Your employees and users in Manage people
Your employees and Users will be listed in the Manage people section. You can switch between Employees and Administration sections to view the one you require.
You can use the search bar to search for a specific employee or User.
Display columns
You can select and deselect columns to display using the 3 dots at the top-right of the grid.
Switching between Employees and Administration
Manage people is home to both employees and Users (admins). You can switch between the two at the top of your screen.
Manage people - Employees
Let's break down how you can manage your employees inside of Manage people.
Employee filters in Manage people
You'll have the following filters available in the Employees section of Manage people:
Employee status - You can choose to view employees who are Active, Inactive or Archived.
Show employees - You can check mark specific employees so that you only see their profile in the Manage people list.
Show groups - You can check mark specific groups so that you only see employees who belong to these groups in Manage people list. This may be Full-time, Part-time and Volunteers.
Show departments - You can check mark specific departments so that you only see employees who belong to that department in the Manage people list. This may be HR, Marketing and Operations.
Filter qualifications method - Filter qualifications method allows you to search for employee profiles with expiring qualifications. Examples you can search are Expired qualifications, or Expiring within 7 days.
Show qualifications - You can search for employee profiles that possess a particular qualification.
Filter availability method - You can choose to search for employees who do or do not have availability within a given time period.
Once you select an option within a filter, ensure you press Apply to activate the search.
Clear all filters
If you've chosen a filter to display, you can click Clear all filters to remove them. This will show all your employees' data again.
Employee quick view
You can use the Employee quick view to see basic employee information within your Manage people. You can click the employee counter to view this information.
Note: Please Contact Support if you require this feature.
Employee Schedule view in Manage people
You can view an employee's schedule from within their profile in Manage people. Head inside an employee profile and you can toggle between Profile and Schedule.
This section will allow you to see Availability, Processed Time off and Shifts for the employee.
Date range in Employee Schedule
You can select a date range to show the employee's Availability, Processed Time off and Shifts over a chosen period.
Display options in Employee Schedule
You can choose to show Availability, Processed Time off and Shifts by ensuring they're check marked in your Display options.
You can also choose preferences for Grid display and Shift statistics.
You'll notice that the example schedule in the below image shows Availability, Processed Time off and Shifts within the employee's schedule.
A total of the employee's assigned hours, worked hours, overtime hours and paid time off will be listed at the bottom of the 'Schedule' section.
Refresh schedule in Employee Schedule
You can Refresh the employee's schedule to ensure it is in its most current state.
Export in Employee Schedule
If you want to export an employee's schedule, you can click the Export option toward the top-right.
You can export in PDF or Excel.
Documents in Manage people
Documents allows you to upload and store important documents related to an employee, making it easy to revisit key information whenever needed.
This is located in the employee profile in Manage people.
Click 'Add Document' to create a new document.
You can click the dropdown arrow to view the contents of the document.
The pencil icon allows you to edit the document, while the trash can icon lets you delete it.
You can assign a title, effective date, expiry date, and select the employee(s) the document is associated with. Multiple employees can be selected if applicable.
You can add the document details and use the formatting tools to customize it according to your needs.
You can highlight text and click the hyperlink option to add a hyperlink to the selected text.
You can right-click to copy an image, then right-click again to paste it into the 'Details' section.
You can use 'Tags' to categorized documents. For example, you may list bad reviews under a 'Bad reviews' tag.
Tags are built in Settings > Branch features > Tags.
Adding employees
You can add an employee by clicking either Add employee or Quick add multiple.
Add employee
Add employee allows you to define every detail that is required for the employee.
The details you can fill, are:
General info - Information like First name, Last name, Employee ID and Status.
Contact - Home address, email address and mobile phone numbers.
Settings - Employee group, default customer, site and service, time zone and workdays.
Accounts - Username and Update Team Xpress account for passwords changes/invites.
Personal info - Personal information if required.
References - References can be used to input additional information if a field is not already available for it.
Registrations - Registrations can be used for vehicle information.
Hiring history - Start date, End date and Termination reason.
Pay info - Department, Position, Employee type, Pay cycle and Seniority is added here.
Pay rates - Pay rates per service.
Qualifications - Qualifications for this employee, including an effective date and an expiry date.
Availability - Availability records for the employee. These can be submitted by them, or created by a User.
Restrictions - You can use Restrictions to restrict employees from working at particular sites.
Employee form
If you want to add or remove any of the sections, you can do so in the Employee form.
It can also be access from your Schedule Xpress Settings.
Employee form sections visibility
Once inside, you can define which sections to include in the employee profile by selecting or deselecting in the Employee form sections visibility.
Quick view form fields set
The Quick view form fields set allows you to determine which employee fields are displayed in the quick view section of their profile.
They will display below the profile icon, as below.
Quick add multiple
Quick add multiple is the fastest way to create an employee account. You only need to fill out the required fields.
The required fields to create an employee account trough:
Employee ID (unless you have auto-numbering)
First name
Last name
Email or SMS
Employee group
Send invite via (optional)
Adding multiple employees with Quick add multiple
If you want to add multiple employees at once, then you can press Add employee in Quick add multiple. This will allow you add as many as 10 employees at one time.
Sending Team Xpress invites
You can send Team Xpress invites to your employees in multiple ways through the Manage people section.
Send new invite
The first option is to check mark the employee in the Manage people list, and click Send new invite.
You'll then be able to choose whether to send the invite via email or SMS.
Sending invite from Accounts section of employee profile
You can also send a Team Xpress invite through the Accounts section of the employee profile by choosing Send new invite under Update Team Xpress account. Then choosing email or SMS.
Sending an invite in Quick add multiple
You can also send a Team Xpress invite to an employee while creating their account in Quick add multiple.
Making an employee Inactive or Archived
If you no longer require an employee to access their Team Xpress account, you can make them Inactive or Archived. Here are the differences between the two:
Inactive - Inactive is used to temporarily block an employee's access to their Team Xpress account and to stop the account from being scheduled. Inactive still counts towards the Active total, so this option is likely to be used if you expect the employee will return to work soon.
Archived - You will Archive an employee if you no longer need them to be scheduled or have access to their Team Xpress account. This is used when an employee leaves your company, however, Archiving them allows you to store all the historical data. And you can make the account Active again if the employee ever returns to work for you.
To make an account Inactive, you must visit the employee profile and change their Status to Inactive. Press Save to complete.
To make an account Archived, you must visit the employee profile and change their Status to Archived. Press Save to complete.
If you want to make two or more accounts Inactive or Archived, you can check mark them in your Manage people list, and click Update employees.
Then, choose field Select fields to update as Status, and Status as Inactive or Archived.
Making an Inactive or Archived account Active again
If you need to make an Inactive or Archived account Active again, you'll first need to locate the account using your Employee status filter.
Choose Inactive or Archived, then press Apply.
You'll see the account(s).
Head inside the profile section of the account you want to make Active again and change the Status to Active. Then press Save.
Please be aware that you'll need to send the employee a new Team Xpress invite.
Deleting an employee
If you want to delete an employee, check mark the employee, click your wrench tool and press Delete employee.
Note: We don't encourage that you delete employees if they have past history, such as having worked shifts in your Schedule. The system will warn you that you need to delete the shifts associated in order to delete the employee, which means you'll lose all the prior shift history. The best option is to make your employee Inactive or Archived if they're no longer working at your company.
You can also delete an employee from within an employee profile.
You'll be asked to confirm that you want to delete the employee. Once you proceed, you'll be given a confirmation that your employee has been deleted, or an error will explain why it couldn't be deleted.
Manage people - Administration (Users)
The Administration section of Manage people operates in the same way as the employee section.
Administration filters in Manage people
You'll have the following filters available in the Administration section of Manage people:
Access role - A User account can be Full Admin or Manager. Full admin has access to see all employees, sites and services, and use all the features in Schedule Xpress. A Manager has access levels that are defined by the Record access and Feature access groups that they're assigned to.
Status - Active or Inactive. Inactive operates the same as Archived does for employees, in that it frees up an additional license space if a User is made Inactive.
Administration Users - This filter shows a list of all of your Users. You can select which ones you want to show by check marking them.
Record access - The Record access groups associated with the Users.
Feature access - The Feature access groups associated with the Users.
Once you select an option within a filter, ensure you press Apply to activate the search.
If you've chosen a filter to display, you can click Clear all filters to remove them. This will show all your User data again.
Adding Users
You can add Users by clicking the Add user option in the top-right corner.
Please refer to our Adding a User in Schedule Xpress article for more information.
Exporting your employees to PDF or Excel
You have the option to export your employees to PDF or Excel. Users can only be exported to PDF.
Ensure you chosen your columns to display prior to exporting, as the information in your export will be the same as displayed on screen.
You can choose PDF or Excel export (for employees) by clicking your wrench tool > Export > PDF export or Excel export.
PDF export:
Excel export:
For more information about your Manage people module, please Contact Support now!