FAQ: CloudExtend Excel For Salesforce: Security

XLSF | Commonly asked questions around CloudExtend Excel for Salesforce and Security

Updated over a week ago

Does CloudExtend store Salesforce data?

Celigo licenses servers from Amazon Web Services (AWS), a secure, reliable, flexible, and scalable cloud services platform. At no time is Salesforce data persisted on AWS. Data is only transformed in memory and is passed through AWS servers. Licensing information (name, Salesforce login email, and Company details) are persisted on AWS servers. Usage details such as records created, number of logins, etc, are collected by third party applications for monitoring and performance purposes.

How does CloudExtend integrate with Salesforce?

When the user logs in for the first time via Salesforce oAuth, Salesforce provides a connection token for the user which is encrypted using AES 256 and stored on integrator.io. At no time are user credentials exposed to or captured/stored by CloudExtend Excel. Subsequent operations are executed using the connection created in IO for the user. All user actions are attributed to the user in the Salesforce audit logs.

Where can I learn more about Amazon Web Services Security?

Please click here to learn more about AWS cloud security, or click here to view all AWS compliance certifications.

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