In the last phase of our certification process, each Certideal smartphone receives an aesthetic rating. This grade only takes into account the aesthetic differences between the devices: scratches on the case or on the screen... They all pass the same 30 verification points and you can be guaranteed that they are 100% functional.
For more details, here is a description of each aesthetic condition proposed by Certideal:
Premium :
Screen: 100% guaranteed Apple origin (exclusive CertiDeal). Impeccable quality (only 5% of our phones have a premium grade).
Body: May have barely visible micro-scratches (invisible at 20 cm).
Very Good:
Screen: 100% guaranteed Apple origin (exclusive CertiDeal). May have superficial micro-scratches, that are unnoticeable when the screen is on.
Body: May have micro-scratches, visible at 20 cm.
Fair :
Screen: Visible micro-scratches that are unnoticeable when the screen is on.
Body: Visible scratches or impacts.
If upon receiving your device, you find that your product does not meet the definition of the aesthetic degree that you requested, we invite you to take photos of your device and send them to We will review your request and determine the response you will receive. If your request is legitimate, we will change the product or make compensation :)