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How to use Certifier?
How to use Certifier?

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide for creating and issuing credentials for your online school students, webinar attendees, or course graduates.

Caroline Tyrko avatar
Written by Caroline Tyrko
Updated over a week ago

Certifier is a unique solution for those who want to generate dozens of credentials in bulk with minimum effort and time. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to create and issue credentials for your online school students, webinar attendees, or course graduates via a one-click automatic email using Certifier.

The creating and issuing process requires three easy steps: creating a design for your future credential, adding a group, and issuing your certificates via email.

Step 1: Design

Once you are signed in, you will be automatically redirected to our Designs tab. The first thing you should do is to choose a type of credential you wish to design, and click on Create Design - Certificate Design or Badge Design.

Let's start by designing our Certificate design first.

Our builder works just in the same way as any standard builder does. The Templates tab gives you the possibility to choose the template from our library or start with a blank one.

πŸ’‘ If you wish to upload your custom background, please navigate to the Background section and click on Upload Custom Background. We accept JPG and PNG files. The maximum image size should be 1MB. Here you can also set up the paper size and orientation for your future certificate.

Once you're satisfied with the background and format setup, you can add your Company's logo and additional lines in the Elements tab.

We accept JPG and PNG files. The maximum image size should be 250KB.

Once you have decided on a certificate template and elements, you will see that each of them includes some words written in square brackets. These are called Attributes.

The possibility to add dynamic attributes is the feature that makes Certifier exceptional among other apps because it enables our customers to send dozens of credentials to different recipients in just one click. To make a long story short, you can think of an attribute as a placeholder for the information that will be derived from a spreadsheet that you will upload during Step 3.

You should not delete the brackets and type the full name of your recipient instead of the [] attribute provided. This dynamic attribute will get automatically replaced by the name and surname of your recipient which will be derived from the aforementioned spreadsheet (we will get to this very soon). If you want to know more about how to use dynamic attributes or maybe you would like to place some unique custom attributes on your certificate, read this article and get to know how to do that.

Once you are done with a template for your certificate, you should name your design using the empty field in the upper right corner of the builder and press the Save Design button. Our recommendation is to name the designs using the names of a course/webinar/or any other occasion that you want to issue your certificates on because in such a way it will be easier to link the course and a certificate template together during Step 2: Groups.

To create a badge, we will follow similar steps: click on Create Design - Badge Design and choose the Template you wish to use.

Important: To upload your custom badge as an Image, please remove all of the parts of the template using Delete/Backspace and upload your image through the Images tab.

For your perfect badge template, you may choose the appropriate base and change its color.

Don't hesitate to add additional elements such as Ribbons and Icons. You have a lot of flexibility here, feel free to change the size and the colors to complete the look of your badge.

Finally, you can edit the font and adjust the Text or add some dynamic Attributes - the unique data for each of your recipients.

Please note: It's not possible to download a certificate or badge design. The possibility to save your credentials will become available only once these very credentials are issued. All the designs that you create and save are stored in the Designs tab, so you can reuse your templates in the future.

Step 2: Groups

Once you have successfully created a design, it is high time to create a group and link them both together. The section Groups is created for you to provide us with information about a specific occasion on which you want to issue your credentials. The first thing you should do is press the button called Create Group and give your group a name. Be careful with spelling because this name will be shown on your credentials as well as written on the Digital Wallet that your recipients will get. In the appearance field, you should choose the certificate and badge designs that you have just created during Step 1: Designs. Feel free to use one type of credential or both of them in one go.

In the Delivery section, you should also select the email template that will be used to distribute certificates.

Once the group is named and the Create Group button is hit, you can go directly to the issuing process by pressing the Issue credentials button. After that, you will be redirected to Step 3 and start issuing credentials.

Step 3: Credentials

This is exactly the moment when our attribute magic begins. The process of issuing credentials starts with selecting a way in which you would like to proceed: 1) You can either upload a spreadsheet with your recipient data 2) or you can add your recipients manually one by one in case you have a small number of them. If you are not sure what the proper spreadsheet should look like, feel free to download a template directly from Certifier. Our template includes two columns called Recipient Name and Recipient Email. You may have already guessed that the entities from the Recipient Name column will replace the [] attribute, while the emails from the Recipient Email column will be used to send your credentials to lots of students with just one click. You can change our template depending on your needs, for example, by adding the columns that you used as attributes on your design template.

Check a typical example of a spreadsheet containing two recipients down below.

πŸ’‘ TIP: If you conduct webinars using Zoom, WebinarJam, or ClickMeeting, you can export a list of your attendees directly from the aforementioned platforms following the easy steps described here.

Once a spreadsheet is uploaded, you will have to map (link) the columns from your document with the attributes you placed on your template. Your columns can also get mapped automatically if the spreadsheet you uploaded has a proper naming of columns.

Once you have mapped the attributes and columns together, you should press the Preview before Publishing button and see a summary. Following this, you have two options:

  1. Hit a Save as Draft button and issue your credentials later.

  2. Press the Save and Publish button and the credentials you have just created will be sent directly to the emails of your students in seconds!

So now when your credentials are issued you can download them to your computer, resend them, or delete them. Be careful: once you delete a credential from the dashboard of Certifier, your students will not be able to open it through their email anymore!

If you still have some questions, do not hesitate to contact us via chat icon or email us directly:

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