How does Charity Navigator calculate a nonprofit's overall score?
The overall score and star rating depends on which of the four beacons the nonprofit is scored on and the scores per beacon. There are beacon weights that change depending on which beacons any given nonprofit has scores for. For more about our methodology please see this page on our website -
How do I know which years of Forms 990 are used in my nonprofit's rating
We publish the fiscal year ending (shown as 'FYE' followed by a month and year) on each nonprofit's rating page for the most recent Form 990 we are using. For most of the financial metrics we are using three year averages. We use the most recent 990 we have along with the previous two Forms 990. In some cases, there may be gaps due to partial 990 returns (ones that are filed that cover less than 12 months) or due to availability of certain 990s.
How do Accountability metrics impact my score?
The overall score and star rating depends on which of the four beacons the nonprofit is scored on and the scores per beacon. The accountability metrics fall under the Accountability & Finance beacon. There are beacon weights that change depending on which beacons any given nonprofit has scores for. For more about our methodology please see this page on our website -
Why is my nonprofit's rating replaced by a CN Alert?
Our CN Alert Issuance Committee has become aware of serious issues impacting your nonprofit. The Committee determined that it was important to post an alert so that donors are also aware of the issues. Whenever we publish a Giving Not Recommended alert, we remove the star rating to prominently feature the Alert.
Updated over a year ago