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Admin, Database and Integrations FAQ
Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago
  1. How often does the Charm Database refresh?

    1. The database updates continually, and is totally refreshed every two weeks.

  2. How do I add users?

    1. Admin users can add additional team members through their account page. If you don’t have Admin capabilities, you can request a current Admin user on your team to grant you permission.

  3. What are the criteria for platforms/verticals covered in Charm? We are asking because There are 4M live Shopify websites alone but Charm has 5.8M total e-commerce.

    1. Our criteria is for the website to sell a physical product, be an active store, and not be a drop-shipper. There are 4M Shop stores but a large quantity of them are inactive (I own an inactive one!). Charm does the analysis work to filter out the brands that don't matter to you ie closed shops dormant websites.

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