Working in Next Field means working on projects. You can create a project from the web page, and creating a project have three phases:
Fill in the project name (and/or project number)
Add people
Upload drawings
Create project
Firstly you have to log into your account from the web portal, and the first page you'll see is your project list. From here, you can create a project by clicking the blue button in the upper right corner called 'Create project.'
Then you have to fill in your project name. Optionally you can add more info; address, cost, description, tags, etc. When you are done, click the "create" button, which has popped up in the bottom right corner.
Pro tip
βTags are code words you can attach your items later, so it will be easier to navigate your item list, follow up on tasks and create precise reports. For more info on the item list and filtering, go here.
Invite people
You can now invite people to your project. Click on the people icon on your project page and choose 'Add people'. Then you'll be able to choose either people from your company or invite external users by mail invitation. Remember to choose which roles they'll have in the project; admin or normal. This decides their access to the project and what they can do.
(An admin has full access to all items, but normal users do only see their own items or items that have been delegated to them). Click on 'Add people' when you are done and the selected people will receive an e-mail with an invitation to your project.
Add drawings
When you have invited people to the project, the next step is to upload your drawings. Click on the drawing icon in your project and choose '+ Add drawing', which again is located in the bottom right corner. This will open a new window, and you can either click to open your PC folder or drag & drop the drawings in the pop-up.
Drawings are ordered alphabetically, and you can edit the drawings' names from the menu button inside each drawing (three dots in the top right corner).