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Updates in Next Field (CHECKD)
Updates in Next Field (CHECKD)

All updates regarding Next Field (CHECKD) services will be posted here

Espen Ottar Skjeggestad avatar
Written by Espen Ottar Skjeggestad
Updated over a week ago

————————«8 February 2022»————————

WEB app

The launch of Image Gallery on the WEB platform.

View all project item photos in a single view, filter on dates, upload images and download the images. Read more here

————————«3 December 2021»————————

Android: version 2.4.5

  • Improvement to Forms offline photo uploading

Web app

  • E-mail notifications for FORMS reports when choosing 'set as closed' for a report (in the 3-dot menu).

  • Anonymous reports: Users can cretate templates and check off for anonymous registrations ensuring no personal information is included with the reports.

  • Added feature: 'Add collaborator' now available in web app

  • CSV column selection: Users can choose which columns they want exported when selecting 'export to CSV'

————————«1 December 2021»————————

iOS: version 2.6.4

  • Improvement to Forms offline photo uploading

————————«29 October 2021»————————

Android: version 2.4.0

  • Added feature: Fill Forms reports anonymously

iOS: version 2.6.2

  • Added feature: Fill Forms reports anonymously

  • Customer-reported issue related to iOS 15 magnifying glass causing challenges is fixed.

————————«26 October 2021»————————

WEB app

  • Bildekvalitet i tegningsmodulen:

    • "Radio buttons" viser nå hvilken kvalitet som allerede er valgt når man åpner dialogen

    • Når man trykker 'save', oppdaterer tegningen seg automatisk. Det er ikke lenger nødvendig å reloade siden

————————«13 October 2021»————————

WEB app

  • 'include in email' er nå tilgjengelig for Date elementer i FORMS builder.

————————«12 October 2021»————————

WEB app

  • I tegningsmoudlen har bildekvalitet blitt "radio buttons" i stedet for en slider.

  • Diverse forbedringer (også UI) på word/docx-ekport av field rapporter

————————«29 September 2021»————————

WEB app

  • Brukere kan nå eksportere en item-rapport til .docx-format.

————————«27 September 2021»————————

WEB app

  • Brukere kan nå kopiere URL-en til en open report i tillegg til å få QR-koden

  • Brukere kan nå tagge opp flere items på en gang (bulk-tag items)

————————«5 July 2021»————————

WEB app

  • Forms:

    • fargevalg for checkbox elementer

    • Hide title from .pdf on textfields

————————«24 February 2021»————————

WEB app

  • Add item to drawing er implementert på web

  • Vi har bedre UI for å sette punkt på tegning i item creation view.

  • Favorites tab viser ikke lenger slettede prosjekter.

  • Items koblet til en rapport kan ikke lenger slettes når rapporten er låst.


  • Collaborators kan nå legge til bilder på punkter som er satt til "fixed".

  • En liten fix er gjort her for å få offline-opplastning av bilder til å fungere bedre.


Collaborators kan nå legge til bilder på punkter som er satt til "fixed".

————————«9 February 2021»————————

Android: Version 2.2.9 (96)

Fixed realtime update issues with forms templates

————————«7 October 2020»————————

WEB app: Version 3.11.0

Nytt redesign av prosjektliste og prosjektsiden

Dette gjør det enklere å:

  • Navigere i prosjektet

  • Fungerer optimalt på mobiler og mindre PC

  • Responsivt design

  • Oppdatert innlastninger på My Items og masseduplisering

  • Endret på designet for å opprette items rapporter

  • Endret hvor man tar ut CSV, masseaksepter, massedelegering og masselukking av oppgaver

  • Se total oversikt over antall items i alle statuser

Vi fortsetter med kontinuerlig oppdatering av websiden fremover!
Følg med og takk for alle gode tilbakemeldinger!

This makes it easier to: 
- Navigate the project
- Works optimally on mobiles and smaller PCs
- Responsive design
- Updated uploads on My Items and mass duplication
- Changed the design to create item reports
- Changed where you take out CSV, mass acceptors, mass delegation and mass closing of tasks
- See total overview of the number of items in all statuses

We will continue to continuously update the website in the future! Stay tuned and thanks for all the great feedback!


————————«5 August 2020»————————

iOS: Version 2.4.9

Android: Version 2.2.5

Hi, construction buddies!

This update adds a new 'Project People' section inside the info tab.

You can now see all members in your projects under the info page when you're in a project.

Project members are sorted by the company they belong to, and you'll see buttons next to their names so that you can easily get in touch with them.

Have a great construction week!


————————«14 July 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.10.0

Small user interface optimizations on item details and item creation view.

New improved image and drawing uploader.

Company admins can now change company name and upload new company logo from company page

happy construction week


————————«10 July 2020»————————

Android: Version 2.2.4

The speed upgrade is now available on Android Field application.

Our engineers have reworked the entire loading experience for project items. 😻

Only items that are not closed are loaded initially but you can fetch them as well by pressing the CLOSED (green) icon in the filter view.

This is a huge improvement for projects with thousands of items and tasks!👏

Other fixes include a new serverside PDF generation when you are exporting a Forms report with connected Items.


————————«8 July 2020»————————

iOS: Version 2.4.8

The speed upgrade is now available on iOS Field application.

Our engineers have reworked the entire loading experience for project items. 😻

Only items that are not closed are loaded initially but you can fetch them as well by pressing the CLOSED (green) icon in the filter view.

This is a huge improvement for projects with thousands of items and tasks!👏

Other fixes include a new serverside PDF generation when you are exporting a Forms report with connected Items.


————————«6 July 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.9.0

Item list on web projects will now load in superfast! 👏

Our engineers have reworked the entire loading experience. We only load in the current items that are not in Closed state. So you will need to press the CLOSED icon to retrieve all closed items and tasks 😎

This is a huge improvement for projects with thousands of items, happy working 😻

————————«19 June 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.7.0

We have optimized the project creation screen, and a brand new beautiful login screen on web 💃


————————«16 June 2020»————————

Android: Version 2.2.3

A total new way of taking pictures !😺

A more intuitive way of taking pictures with the built-in camera, or selecting images from your gallery.

Happy snagging 🤩


————————«12 June 2020»————————

Field Android: Version 2.2.2

In this update we have improved the way of taking pictures with camera or choosing one from the gallery.

Have a great construction week!


————————«10 June 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.6.0
We have upgraded the experience on Company Forms Templates.

You can now view all your company templates on a single page in a table with search and filter functionality.

Sort on status, title, description, creator and type.


————————«9 June 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.5.0
You can now add tags to project Reports from WEB!

This will give you the same great features as Item tags like sorting, filtering and a better overview over all you project reports. 😍

  • Project Owner, Admin and report creator can tag a report

  • You will not be able to tag a locked Report, it needs to be unlocked

  • All Report tags will be available for managing on the project info page

  • Report tags are not global and will only work in the specified project


————————«28 May 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.4.0
We have upgraded the user interface on Forms Template Builder with a set of new fresh icons. It is also more responsive on smaller screens.

Take a look 😍


————————«30 April 2020»————————

Field Android: Version 2.2.0

In this update we have added some performance improvements and bug fixes.

Have a great construction week!


————————«16 April CHECKDAGEN 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.3.0

Vi lanserer CHECKD Meet på selveste CHECKDagen 2020!

CHECKD Meet gjør at alle prosjektdeltakere har tilgang til et digitalt møterom de kan kommunisere i.
I møterommet kan de kommunisere via lyd og video, presentere skjerm og chatte med hverandre.

Prosjektdeltakerne kan sitte hvor som helst i verden, og diskutere oppgaver, utfordringer og finne løsninger, akkurat slik man ville gjort om man var samlet i byggebrakka. Heldigvis kommer denne uten smitterisiko.


————————«2 April 2020»————————

Field Android: Version 2.1.9

In this update we have added some performance improvements and bug fixes.
Have a great construction week!


————————«26 March 2020»————————

Web: Version 3.1.0
Users can now add and filter on due dates.
This article shows you how to add a due date to an item (guide in Norwegian):
To filter on due date, just go to the item list and click the due date filter.

Field iOS: Version 2.4.5

Users can now add due date on items. This article shows you how to do it (guide in norwegian):

Field Android: Version 2.1.8

Users can now add due date on items. This article shows you how to do it (guide in norwegian):


————————«12 March 2020»————————

Field Android: Version 2.1.7

  • In this update we have added some performance improvements and bug fixes.

    Have a great construction week!


————————«02 March 2020»————————

Web: Version 1.12.0
Users can now change who can see a report in the project.
This can be done from the top of the report, and from the new visibility icon at the bottom.


————————«27 February 2020»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.4.2

Users can now change who can see a report in the project.
This can be done from the top of the report, and from the new visibility icon at the bottom.

Field Android: Version 2.1.5

Users can now change who can see a report in the project.
This can be done from the top of the report, and from the new visibility icon at the bottom.


————————«28 February 2020»————————

Field Android: Version 2.1.6

  • Users can now change who can see a report in the project.
    This can be done from the top of the report, and from the new visibility icon at the bottom.


————————«6 February 2020»————————

Web: Version 1.11.0
On the project members page:

  • Members can now leave projects

  • Project owners and administrators can now remove other project members and pending invites.

Removed members will not be able to access the project anymore without a new invite from a project administrator
The removed member's logged actions, items, reports, pictures and history will remain visible for other members of the projectPending invite links will expire and invite link can not be used to join a project. On the project items page:

  • you can now bulk accept tasks that are assigned to you


————————«30 January 2020»————————

Field Android: Version 2.1.5

In this update we have added a lot of performance improvements and bug fixes.
Navigating between tabs is much smoother now!
Have a great construction week!


————————«23 January 2020»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.4.1

  • Improved offline support for Forms

  • Add signatures offline, and they will sync automatically when there is a internet connection again

  • Optimized images in Forms

Field Android: Version 2.1.4

  • Improved offline support for Forms

  • Add signatures offline, and they will sync automatically when there is a internet connection again

  • Optimized images in Forms


————————«18 December 2019»————————

Web: Version 1.10.0

  • Web notification drawer is added! You can now see the same notifications as you do in the applications. Open and respond more quickly than ever!

  • Fixed some dates in PDF for items and images

  • Improved the speed of the web app


————————«6 December 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.3.9

Field Android: Version 2.1.2

In this update, you will find that the project menu now shows information about the project. You can view general project info in the app now, and even open weblinks, call phone numbers, access emails you have put in - and much more.

We have also added a beta feature called Forms Item Flow. This feature gives you superpowers!

When conducting Forms Routines, you can follow a Forms list and plot in items and deviations directly from the checklist. This is only available for Forms Pro beta users.

  • Users can now view project information in a new screen

  • BETA users only: Users can add items to a report made with the new Items Element in the Forms Builder


————————«5 December 2019»————————

Web: Version 1.9.0

  • Improved look for Item Details and Forms Builder

  • More info in your user avatar

  • BETA users only: Forms Builder now has an Items Element which can be used to add items to a checklist/report


————————«21 November 2019»————————

In this update, we have created active tasks, made it possible to mark projects as favorite AND given android users overview of content in projects from the project screen.
Favorite projects are more easily accessible in your project list.

Active Tasks feature will roll out over the next two weeks.

Active tasks gives you control over the items you need to pay attention to, or take an action in.
All Items and task you have in Delegated, In Progress and Fixed states are active tasks. Fixed tasks will not show up as Active Tasks for the person who is assignee.

Open, Deleted and Closed will not show as active tasks.

Field iOS: Version 2.3.7

  • Favorite Projects section

  • Swipe on a project and as favorite

  • See how many Active Tasks you have on a project from project list

  • Improved loading

Field Android: Version 2.1.0

  • Favorite Projects section

  • Swipe on a project and as favorite

  • See how many Active Tasks you have on a project from project list

  • See total items, reports, drawings and people in a project from the project list


————————«20 November 2019»————————

Field Android Version 2.1.0

  • In this update we have created active tasks, made it possible to mark projects as favorite AND given android users *overview of content in projects* from the project screen.

  • Favorite projects are more easily accessible in your project list.
    Active tasks gives you control over the items you need to pay attention to, or take an action in.

  • In the overview you can now see the total amount of items, drawings, people and reports.


————————«11 November 2019»————————

In this update we have made it possible to add specific FORMS templates to a project, and share it with project members.

This gives great versatility when it comes to tailoring your projects to match their use cases.

NB: You need the latest versions of the apps in order to benefit from these updates (iOS: 2.3.5, Android: 2.0.9)

WEB: v1.8.0

  • Users with a FORMS PRO license can now assign templates to specific projects, and have the option to let all project members create reports using those templates

  • Users with a FORMS PRO license can now upload a logo when creating a new template, which will be shown in all reports created from this template

  • Web page titles are now more informative and shows which page you're on

Field iOS: Version 2.3.5

Field Android: 2.0.9

  • You can choose between project templates and company templates when creating a new FORM.

  • Minor improvements

Field Android: Version 2.0.9

  • You can choose between project templates and company templates when creating a new FORM.

  • We have reimagined the drawing engine that speeds up drawings. This engine will start up when there are a lot of items

  • Minor improvements


————————«29 October 2019»————————

WEB: v1.8.0

  • Drawings can now be renamed from the drawing list


————————«23 October 2019»————————

WEB: v1.7.0

  • Improvements on the UI and freetext search for project drawing lists

  • Performance and UI improvements on reports


————————«21 October 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.3.3

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have reimagined the drawing engine that speed up drawings, this engine will start up when there are a lot of items.

We have also upgraded the camera and the digital reports, so they are faster and more durable than ever before!

And a bunch of more optimizations for iOS 13.

  • New camera library

  • Hybrid rendering engine for items

  • New Open status icon color


————————«10 October 2019»————————

WEB: Optimalisering av hastighet på Forms Builder. Forms Builder er nå lettere å bruke på sjekklister med veldig mye innhold.


————————«9 October 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 2.0.6

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have added some restrictions on basic project features.
Have a great construction week!


————————«3 October 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 2.0.5

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have fixed some minor bugs


————————«29 August 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 2.0.3

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.
In this update we have fixed a critical bug.

Have a great construction week!

————————«26 August 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.3

Field Android: Version 2.0.2

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have done some minor improvements, such as natural sorting on tags and better push notifications.

Have a great construction week!


————————«5 August 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.9

Field Android: Version 2.0

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have added the same PDF layout as we have on the web (it looks way better), given more options for project administrators to add comments and pictures, and some minor fixes.

Have a great construction week!


————————«4 July 2019»————————

WEB: Oppdateringer på Forms Builder. Toggle komponentet har blitt oppdatert, da det ikke lagret komponenter som ble vist etter det komponentet i rapport strukturen.


————————«3 July 2019»————————

WEB: FORMS BUILDER beta Program er lansert. Spesifikke testkunder og brukere blir invitert inn til programmet for å være beta-testere for Forms Builder.
Hva er Forms Builder?
I Forms Builder kan du bygge dine egen Forms maler, med egen struktur, og oppsett. Publisere template/mal til dine kollegaer, slik at de kan ta den i bruk i alle prosjekter.
Eksempel: dere kan lage egenkomponerten sjekklister for overleveringer, KS, HMS, osv. Alt rett fra web nettleser Chrome.


————————«12 June 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.8

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have fixed some small bugs.

Have a great construction week!


————————«11 June 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 1.9.9

  • In this update we have improved offline usage of the app.


————————«22 May 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 1.9.8

  • In this update we improved the layout of the app and fixed some minor bugs.


————————«10 April 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.7

Field Android: Version 1.9.7

We have added the possibility to delete images from an item.
Just hold and press on the image you want to delete. It will say when, who and what was deleted in the Item Timeline.

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!


————————«29 March 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.6

Field Android: Version 1.9.6

  • In this version we have launched the new lock feature on reports. You can lock or unlock a report by clicking on the lock icon so it can´t be edited.

  • iOS: We have optimized how you tag your precious tasks, now it pops up :)


————————«11 March 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 1.9.5

  • We have optimized how you tag your precious tasks, now it pops up :)

  • We have also redesigned how you and your fellow workers create tasks and observations, with a beautiful new view!

    Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!

————————«8 March 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.5

We have optimized how you tag your precious tasks, now it pops up 😄

We have also redesigned how you and your fellow workers create tasks and observations, with a beautiful new view!

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!


————————«22 February 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.4

  • Bug fixes on collaborator feature

  • Optimizations for offline usage

  • Improved reports functionality


————————«18 February 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 1.9.2

  • Bug fixes and improvements on Collaborator feature.


————————«9 February 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.3

  • Speed optimizations

  • Added pull to refresh to item list

  • Bug fixes


————————«29 January 2019»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.1

Performance improvements and bug fixes


————————«28 January 2019»————————

Field Android: Version 1.9.1

  • Performance improvements and bug fixes.


————————«14 December 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.2.0

Field Android: Version 1.9.0

Wow! A fresh new look, better navigation, faster loading time, digital checklists, chat notifications and a full Item & task list! That´s a lot! We have also improved some UI/UX related issues that some of our customers experienced. Thanks for all the feedback, you are awesome!


————————«19 November 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.8.3

  • Fixed collaborator functionality

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


————————«15 November 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.1.5

  • Checklists can now be filled fully offline

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Overall better support for offline


————————«31 October 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.1.4

  • Improved design and performance.

  • Added checklist functionality


————————«23 October 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.8.2

  • Improved image quality of drawings.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements with offline use.

————————«15 October 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.8.1

  • Fixed issue related to floorplan images having black background

  • Several bug fixes and performance improvements

————————«21 September 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.8

  • In this update we have added:

  • Shortcut to create a new project from the application

  • Various bug fixes and improvements

  • Easy access to the help center from the side menu

————————«20 September 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.1.1

In this update we have added:

  • Shortcut to create a new project from the application

  • Various bug fixes and improvements

Please update the app as soon as possible to get the latest changes!

————————«19 September 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.7

  • In this update we have added:

  • Various bug fixes and performance improvement

  • Projects are sorted by created date


————————«6 September 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.1

In this update we have added:

  • Various bug fixes and performance improvement

  • Adding pictures in a item is faster now

  • Projects are sorted by created date


————————«23 August 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 2.0

Improved offline experience and various bug fixes.


————————«21 August 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.6

  • Improved offline experience and various bug fixes.


————————«15 August 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 1.9
Bug fixes and performance improvements.


————————«6 August 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.5

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

————————«21 June 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 1.8

In this update we added: Role feature, push notifications and speed optimizations in the entire application.


————————«18 June 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.4

  • Added role handling, push notifications and some bug fixes.

————————«8 May 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.3

  • Added project tags suggestion list when creating an Item

  • Minor bug fixes

————————«4 May 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.2

  • Improved performances.

  • Several bug fixes.

  • Added Notifications, Report generation and other missing features.

————————«25 April 2018»————————
Selveste CHECKDagen 2018.

Field iOS: Version 1.7

  • Added project tags suggestion

  • Small bug fixes

————————«11 April 2018»————————

Field Android Version 1.0

  • Added timeline and image editing functionality.


————————«10 April 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 1.5

  • Bugfixes

  • Improved performance


————————«31 March 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 1.4

  • Bugfixes

  • Improved performance


————————«26 February 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 1.1

We continuously update our applications to better serve our customers, and strive for the best user experience.

In this update we have fixed some small bugs and added some more features.

Have a great construction week!


————————«15 February 2018»————————

Field iOS: Version 1.0

Login, authentication, project structure and invitations


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