PayMe for Business is a payment platform by HSBC. CheckPlus has partnered with HSBC to enable nonprofits to accept PayMe payments.
Please note this payment method is only available to nonprofits with an existing PayMe for Business account. Please contact our Customer Relations team for more details.
Register a PayMe for Business Account
PayMe for Business is only available to HSBC Business Internet Banking customers, if you’re an HSBC Business Internet Banking customer, please follow the steps below to download and start using PayMe for Business straight away.
If you’re an HSBC Business Banking customer but haven’t signed up for Internet Banking yet, you can do so here ( or call HSBC hotline (2748-8288 then press 1#-5-1-4).
If you are not a HSBC Business Banking customer and you’d like to open an account, please sign up here ( or contact our CheckPlus team for assistance.
Step 1 : Get PayMe Business app
Please get the PayMe for Business app here.
Step 2 : Register
Open the PayMe for Business APP, and register the account.
Please refer to the Starter Guide as reference.
Step 3 : Profile icon
After completing the registration, please tap the top right “profile icon”.
Step 4 : Need to get in touch
Select "Help centre" and tap "Need to get in touch”.
Step 5 : Online Payment
Tap “Send us an enquiry” and select “Online Payment” as the topic.
Please submit an in-app message with the following copy:
“I'm a CheckPlus customer and interested in using PayMe to collect payments online. My CheckPlus Identifier is (CheckPlus' generated page URL, e.g.”
Step 6 : Confirm
Please reply with "Confirm" to confirm your acceptance with the terms.
Step 7 : Client ID
Once you have confirmed the terms, you will receive
(i) an email attached with an encrypted file for your Setup credentials; and
(ii) password for decrypting the PDF file via an in-app message on your PayMe for Business app.
After you successfully decrypt the file, you will get your credentials that are needed for integrating your PayMe for Business account with your shop.
Step 8 : Set Up Payment Option on Organization Dashboard
Go to Settings -> PayMe for Business
Please DO NOT change these details, or else this payment method will become invalid.
Remember to Click Submit
after you finish setting up PayMe payment details.
Donors Payment Flow
A. For Desktop
Step 1: PayMe
Donors choose 'PayMe' as payment method
Step 2: Review
Donors fill in their information and then Click 'Confirm' on the page.
Step 3 : Payment page
Donors will be directed to a payment page with a PayCode shown.
Customers can use their PayMe app on their mobile device to scan the PayCode and enter their PayMe PIN to complete the payment.
Note: Customers should complete the transaction within 5 mins, or else the PayCode will expire.
If PayCode is expired, customers can then click Pay with PayMe
pay again.
Step 4 : Done
Once donors complete payment on PayMe app, the PayCode page will direct them to Step 3. Order Confirmation page with order details such as Payment Type, Payment Status and Transaction Number.
B. For Mobile
Step 1 : Fill Information
Donors complete Step 2. Enter an Amount, Step 3. Fill Information & Step 4. Select a Payment Method.
Step 2 : Confirm Payment
When they click Confirm
in Step 5, they will be directed to PayMe app to complete the transaction.
Step 3 : Payment Confirmation
After they follow the following steps and enter their PayMe PIN to complete the transaction, they will be redirected back to the Payment Confirmation page and see their Payment Confirmation.