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Updated over a year ago

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain. It's known for enabling users to swap between cryptocurrency assets. Here you can exchange LEE for USDT, for example

How to exchange LEE tokens on PancakeSwap?

To transfer LEE tokens to an external wallet, please follow these instructions:

  1. Connect your wallet to Metamask via EVM-key.

  2. Open the Metamask app and select "Import Wallet."

  3. Paste the seed phrase from the wallet linked to Cheelee.

  4. Access PancakeSwap through Metamask using this link.

  5. Exchange your LEE tokens (the token address is 0xE37DbF20A4fFf3B88233e456355dc49B76B6fe19) for USDT token

  6. Also make sure you have enough BNB to pay the fee. You're done!

How to purchase LEE token on PancakeSwap?

Post in Telegram

  1. Go to the PancakeSwap website and connect your wallet to the platform. You can use popular wallets such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, etc.

  2. If you want to buy LEE, ensure that you have sufficient BNB in your wallet. Also make sure you have enough BNB to pay the fee.

  3. Once you have confirmed that you have enough funds, click on the "Approve" button next to the token you wish to purchase. This step is necessary to give PancakeSwap permission to access and transfer the tokens from your wallet

  4. After you have approved the transaction, select the amount of LEE you wish to buy and click on the "Swap" button. The transaction will be confirmed on the blockchain network, which may take a few minutes to complete

  5. Once the transaction is complete, you can view your newly acquired LEE tokens in your connected wallet 😉

Congratulations! You have successfully purchased LEE on PancakeSwap!

Hold on to them or trade them for other tokens to potentially profit from their value appreciation 🤩

You have exchanged (swapped) LEE for USDT, now look at these articles:

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