We've temporarily added a new earning feature! Meet Swipe-to-Earn that lets you earn the new coin — $EASY!
$EASY for the Purchase of Glasses and Loot Boxes
Rarity | $$$ for the purchase of Glasses | $$$ for the purchase of Loot Boxes |
Element | 6000 $EASY | 200 $EASY |
Smart | 9000 $EASY | 300 $EASY |
Lite | 12000 $EASY | 400 $EASY |
Simple | 15000 $EASY | 500 $EASY |
Rare | 18000 $EASY | 600 $EASY |
Unique | 21000 $EASY | 700 $EASY |
Epic | 24000 $EASY | 800 $EASY |
$EASY for Participation in the Referral Program
Condition | $$$ (first level) | $$$ (second level) |
For a referral’s purchase |
Element | 6000 $EASY | 2000 $EASY |
Smart | 9000 $EASY | 3000 $EASY |
Lite | 12000 $EASY | 4000 $EASY |
Simple | 15000 $EASY | 5000 $EASY |
Rare | 18000 $EASY | 6000 $EASY |
Unique | 21000 $EASY | 7000 $EASY |
Epic | 24000 $EASY | 8000 $EASY |
For a referral’s registration |
Referral’s registration | 1800 $EASY | 600 $EASY |
Coin balance is displayed directly in the feed. It’s also available in the "Earn" tab and in your wallet.
Please, consider:
If your account has any restrictions, such as a suspension, please contact customer support. Otherwise, you won’t be able to earn $EASY.
At the moment, you can only earn and accumulate $EASY. The feature to exchange coins will be available once they are listed on an exchange. We’ll announce the listing to all users in our Telegram channel.
Swipe-to-Earn is a temporary feature, so make sure to make the most of it now!