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Uploading Images To An Album
Updated over a week ago

The Photo Shoot's Over, Now What?
After photographing your Photo Shoot, you'll still need to upload the images for your client! Please deliver the images to your client within 3 business days after the photo shoot!
​How Do I Deliver the Images to My Client?
You can deliver the images all within the Cheezoo app, by creating albums and uploading the images to those albums!

​How Do I Upload My Images and Create an Album?

To begin delivering the images, click on the Photo Shoot, then click on 'View Gallery' at the bottom of the Photo Shoot Details menu.

Create Albums
In the Gallery, you can create a 'New Album' by clicking the black button in the lower right.

Name Album
Then give a name to your new album!

Create Album

Then click 'Create Album'! (You can create as many albums as needed.)

Upload Images
Images can then be uploaded to your Album by clicking 'Add Images'.

Select Photos

Then choose your images from the camera roll on your phone.

Upload Images
You'll then see a preview of the images you've selected. To upload them to the album, click the 'Upload' button.

Upload Successful

After the images have finished uploading, they will be visible to view in the album.

Complete Delivery
After creating albums and uploading images, you can then click 'Complete Delivery' to share the images with your client!

Cheezoo Image Editing - Yes Please
If you didn't already edit the images yourself, you'll want to consider having your images edited using Cheezoo Image Editing for $0.22/image! You can read more about Cheezoo Image Editing here!

Cheezoo Image Editing - No Thanks
But if you've edited the images yourself, or the client didn't want any edits made, you can click 'No Thanks' to continue.

Confirm Upload
You'll be asked to confirm that all images have been uploaded. After confirming, you'll be notified that the images have been delivered to the client!

Additional Delivery
If you need to make an additional delivery, you can do so using the 'Additional Delivery' button within the gallery!


Photo Shoot Complete!
The Photo Shoot will then show as 'Completed' on your end!

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