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What are your payment policies (refunds, services, currency, etc)?
What are your payment policies (refunds, services, currency, etc)?
Updated yesterday

For help with payments please contact support here, and select 'I have a billing or refund request' in the help window.

All first-time subscriptions are given a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Once a member has received a refund they are no longer eligible for the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Refunds may not be given to subscribers who are banned from the site due to violating the Terms and Conditions of site use (abusive behavior, cheating, etc).

NOTE: Due to our agreement with Apple in order to get our app in the iTunes app store, Apple will handle all refunds and subscription changes, or cancellations if you paid via Apple. support is not able to give refunds or make changes to subscriptions purchased through Apple, you must contact Apple support.

Please click here to see our full payment policies and subscriber agreement.

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