All About Chipper Round-Ups

Pay off your loans faster - without thinking about it.

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Updated over a week ago

Make progress on your student loans with ease! Chipper Round-Ups enables you to tackle your student debt faster and avoid interest when you spend like normal.

The average Chipper user rounds up $35 per month, avoiding over $6,000 in interest and paying off debt 3 years faster.

We do the math for you and send payments automatically. The spare change from purchases made on linked cards will be applied to your highest-interest loan each month.

We protect your funds by ensuring your bank account has sufficient funds before applying your Round-Ups. If your linked checking account has a balance below $50, your Round-Ups will not be transferred that month.

To get started, register in the Chipper app and link the loans your want to tackle. Get started with Round-Ups by securely linking a checking account and any debit or credit cards you use for everyday spending.

As you make payments with linked cards, you can view your transactions and Round-Up payments in the Chipper app.

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