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Caution - Pay Decimal Hours

Most screens show employee hours in the hours:minutes format for easy understanding. But don't pay employees by this format.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago


The Dashboard and Time screens show employees' time in hours:minutes format - notice the colon (:) instead of a decimal point. We understand hours:minutes better than we do the decimal format. But don't use the hours:minutes format for payroll.

Ensure to use Decimal Hours for Payroll

On the Time menu, select the first Open pay period and then press the green button, Prepare Payroll.

Note that when on a Current pay period that hasn't reached its end date, the option is to Preview Payroll.

For pay periods already Closed, the option is to View the payroll hours.

On the Time screen, Dennis' hours show as 2:04. That's 2 hours: 4 Minutes.

Click the Preview Payroll button to see the hours in the decimal format that you must pay by, 2.07.

Next up... steps to Prepare Payroll Hours article.

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