FLSA Requirements for Paying Travel Time
One thing is certain - the FLSA requires employers to pay employees' travel time if the travel is all in a day's work. "Time spent by an employee in travel as part of their principal activity, such as travel from job site to job site during the workday, is work time and must be counted as hours worked," per the Department of Labor website.
Capturing Travel Time is Easy with Chronotek Pro
Less clear is how your company captures the travel time between jobs. We've heard admin stories of time-sucking and laborious efforts to be compliant with travel pay. Admins, you are rockstars for keeping your owners out of trouble with Uncle Sam. But now, you have an exponentially easier way to capture employee travel time.
Chronotek Pro automatically captures travel time between job sites. Employees clock out of a job site, drive to the next location, clock in, and Pro creates a travel record.
Spoiler alert: Set Auto-approval thresholds of time and miles as soon as possible so subsequent trips can be, well, auto-approved.
How to Use Chronotek Pro's Travel Time Feature
The Time screen flags pending travel time. Click the pending travel time tile to see the employee who has travel time.
Click the red cell with the pending travel.
Click the red cars to take care of the pending travel.
Using Actual Time or Google Maps™ Estimated
Choose Actual or Google Maps™ estimated time and miles for auto-approval. You can adjust to a manual number, too.
We license with Google Maps™ for map-estimated time and miles.
Use Travel Auto-Approval to Simplify Your Life
Click on the 'Auto-approval' Set button. And make your life easier. If future trips are under that threshold, you will not need to approve that trip. (It shows up as gray, not red😉)
Life just got easier!
Remember to set the auto-approval as soon as possible, as it only takes effect on new/future trips. We use Google Maps™, so you get the best information.
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