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Inviting users to the firm
Hannah Olsson avatar
Written by Hannah Olsson
Updated over 3 months ago

ℹ️ Note: You must be an Administrator or Manager to invite users.

Steps to invite users to the firm

  1. Click the cog icon in the top-right corner of your page (header bar).

  2. Select the Users tab to view the list of all users in your firm.

  3. Click Add Users or use the dropdown to select Add from FYI if importing users from FYI.

  4. If you select Add Users, you’ll see the following options under Import Type:

    • Individual (default)

    • Bulk

Adding Users Individually

  1. Keep Individual selected.

  2. Enter the email address for the user and select their role (e.g., USER, MANAGER, EXTERNAL_USER).

  3. Optionally, click Add Row to invite multiple users at once.

  4. Once all details are filled in, click Invite to send invitations.

Adding Users in Bulk

  1. Select the Bulk option.

  2. Download the provided CSV Template.

  3. Fill out the template, ensuring the below CSV requirements are met

  4. Upload the completed template by either:

    • Dragging and dropping the file into the upload section.

    • Clicking the upload box and selecting the file manually.

  5. Select Invite

CSV Requirements



Email *

  • Email must be unique

  • Email must be valid

User Role *

Must be one of the following:

  • USER



* Mandatory field

Steps to invite external users directly to a workpaper

Instead of inviting external users through the firm settings, you can also add External users directly to a specific workpaper.

  1. Navigate to the workpaper where you want to add the user.

  2. Locate and click on the Settings tab.

  3. Within the Settings tab, select the Details sub-tab.

  4. Scroll down until you see the relevant assignee section (Preparer, Reviewer, Approver, Guest).

  5. Type the email address of the External user into the provided field.

  6. Click ‘Invite’ to send the invitation once the email address is entered.

ℹ️ Note: Whether an external user is invited from the firm settings page or from a workpaper level, they can still only access workpapers which they are assigned to. You can learn more about the different user roles here: User Roles Overview.

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