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Marking a procedure as not applicable
Hannah Olsson avatar
Written by Hannah Olsson
Updated over 2 months ago

If a procedure item is not relevant to a workpaper, you can mark it as not applicable to ensure the workpaper reflects only essential tasks. Follow these steps to mark a procedure as not applicable.

  1. In an open workpaper, select the Procedures Page from the left-hand menu.

  2. Locate the procedure item you want to mark as not applicable and click on the ellipses (three dots) at the end of the row.

  3. From the dropdown menu, select Not Applicable.

  4. Provide a reason for marking the procedure as not applicable (optional) by either:

    • Selecting a predefined reason from the dropdown menu.

    • Typing in a custom reason.

  5. Click Confirm to finalise the action.

ℹ️ Note: Marking a procedure as not applicable ensures it no longer appears as an outstanding item but keeps an audit trail for future reference.

💡 Tip: You can customise the list of predefined reasons by updating your firm’s Quick Descriptions. For guidance, check out Updating Quick Descriptions.

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