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Updating the Trial Balance
Hannah Olsson avatar
Written by Hannah Olsson
Updated over 2 months ago

Updating the trial balance is typically necessary when the client’s data has changed, especially if updates have been made directly in the client’s file.

How to Update the Trial Balance

  1. Navigate to the Trial Balance page in your workpaper.

  2. Locate the Update button in the top-right corner of the page and click it.

  3. Follow the steps below based on your trial balance source:

If Your Trial Balance is Integrated with Xero

  • Clicking Update will automatically refresh the trial balance with the latest data from Xero.

  • No additional prompts or actions are required.

If Your Trial Balance is Manual (CSV)

  • Clicking Update will redirect you to a page where you can:

    • Download a CSV template (if required).

    • Upload your updated CSV file.

  • Once uploaded, the trial balance will be updated with the new data.

CSV Requirements

If your trial balance is managed manually via CSV, ensure your file meets the following requirements before uploading:



Code *

The account code (e.g., 200)

Description *

The account’s name (e.g., Sales).

Type *

The account type (e.g., Other Income, Fixed Assets). This is usually more specific than the Class (below).

Class *

The account’s classification. Must be:

  • Revenue

  • Expense

  • Asset

  • Liability

  • Equity

Report Code *

A code linked to checklist items, assisting in mapping accounts to the relevant tasks (e.g., EXP.DIS).

Debit TY

The debit amount for the current year or blank.

Credit TY

The credit amount for the current year or blank.

Debit LY

The debit amount for the previous year or blank.

Credit LY

The credit amount for the previous year or blank.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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