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How do I apply for SIL funding?
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Written by Customer Experience Team
Updated over 4 years ago

Once you have been confirmed as eligible for SIL, have chosen a SIL provider to provide your supports and have a letter of offer for a home, you will need to work with your support coordinator and service provider to develop a SIL Funding Application.

To determine the funding, the SIL Provider will work with you to document the supports you need at different times and for different activities. This is documented in an Excel Spreadsheet called a ‘Roster of Care’.

Using a templated formula provided by the NDIA, the Roster of Care calculates the amount of funding required based on the level of support needed at different times during a typical week. Once complete, the Roster of Care is submitted to the NDIA, along with a 'Roster of Care Submission Template (formerly ‘Participant Profile’), and all existing reports, such as the current OT report. These reports are often referred to as ‘evidence’, and are reviewed by the NDIA’s SIL team alongside the RoC.

Once the NDIA SIL team has reviewed a RoC and supporting documentation, their funding recommendation will be made to you, your planner and your support coordinator. The SIL provider will also be notified, and receive a copy of the RoC. The funding recommendation is then reviewed at your planning meeting and, if agreed to, a service booking will then be sent to the service provider within two weeks of the planning meeting. At this point, you have funds available to pay for your SIL supports, and are able to move into the property.

Read more about the Roster of Care and the Submission Template.

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