Roles & licenses in Claap

Understand the different roles and licenses available in your Workspace.

Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

If you're reading this, you're probably new to Claap. Welcome onboard!

We want to ensure you have all the information you need to make the most of Claap. Below is a comprehensive guide to our licenses, roles, and workspace plans. This guide is designed to be straightforward and helpful, whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding of Claap's features.

User Roles

Your role in Claap is key to how you collaborate and interact within the platform. We offer three roles:

  1. Member: The foundational role for users, suitable for everyday tasks and collaboration. Members can:

    1. Create & share recordings

    2. View & comment on videos

  2. Admin: This role is designed for users who need more control and management capabilities in the workspace. Admins can:

    1. Change workspace settings

    2. Invite new members

    3. Plus everything Members can do

  3. Owner: The top-tier role, ideal for those managing and strategizing at the workspace level. Owners can:

    1. Delete the workspace

    2. Plus everything Admins and Members can do

Workspace plans

Whatever your team needs, we’ve got a plan:

  1. Free Trial: members automatically benefit from the features of a Pro license for 14 days.

  2. Paid Plan: users of any role can choose any license. This means even Owners and Admins having the option to choose a Basic license.

  3. Free Plan: each new user added is assigned the role of an Owner. If transitioning from a Paid Plan or Free Trial to a Free Plan, existing members retain their roles but are assigned a Basic license.

User Licenses

You can purchase different licenses for different users, without the need to have everyone on the same licence.

We offer three types of licenses, each tailored to different needs:

  1. Basic License: This is our free option, offering essential features at no cost.

  2. Starter License: For $10/mo you can Share quick video updates and get feedback on your work.

  3. Pro License: Priced at $30/mo, this is our premium option, packed with advanced features like automatic meeting recordings powered by AI.

Permissions & features for each license

Below you can find an exhaustive recap of what the permissions and features available for each license:


(Free and Paid)

(Paid plan)

(Paid plan)

Create direct recording

Create recording within channel

Manage claap/channel members

Max channel permission

Full access

Full access

Full access

Max claap permission

Full access

Full access

Full access

Manage workspace members

Owner/Admin only

Owner/Admin only

Owner/Admin only

Manage workspace

Owner/Admin only

Owner/Admin only

Owner/Admin only

Delete workspace

Owner only

Owner only

Owner only

Manage workspace Slack integration

Star a channel

Resolve comments

Follow a claap

Starter Features 👇

Unlimited videos

❌ (10x)

Video uploads

Video downloads

Video duplicates

Video editing

Video Insights

Automatic transcription


Create channels

Private channels & claaps

Advanced link settings

Advanced roles for collaboration

Workspace privacy preferences

✅ Owner/Admin only

✅ Owner/Admin only

Pro Features 👇

Unlimited recording time

❌ (10mn)

❌ (30mn)

Meeting automatic recording

Speaker Insights

AI Summary

AI Copilot

Zoom integration

Custom theme

Priority support

Recording Limits

How many claap videos you can record and their duration is directly linked to the type of license you have. This makes it easier to understand your recording options.

Access and Permissions

Every Claap user, irrespective of their role or license, can enjoy Full Access permissions on any claap or channel. This ensures everyone has the flexibility and control needed for effective collaboration.

Guests and Visitors

Guests are external and infrequent users who were invited directly to claaps or channels via email, but not to the workspace itself. They have a Claap account and can comment on claaps shared with them, but cannot edit them or create their own claaps.

Visitors are external and infrequent users who were invited directly to claaps or channels via share link, but not to the workspace itself. They can access public claaps and channels but can't edit them, add comments, or create their own claaps.

How to assign roles and licenses

Here's how you can assign the correct roles and licences to members of your workspace:

  1. Log in to your workspace.

  2. Go to Workspace settings.

  3. Go to Members.

  4. Next to the name of each member, choose the appropriate role and/or license.

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