Go to the correct Data Source
Start by navigating to the company. Your account needs to have access to the company to access the "Company Menu" displayed as 4 squares.
If you can't see this menu, you either don't have a company connected to your retailer/supplier account, or your system admin needs to provide you with access.
Click on Data Sources (1), click on the three dots for the data source you wish to edit (2), and click Configure (3).
If you have multiple datasources, go to your self service portal, you wish to edit, click Manage. From the landing page "Portal settings and start screen" (1) scroll to the bottom, and see the data source connected to the Self Service Portal (2).
From here you can also go directly to the datasource, by clicking "Go to datasource".
Find the Single select field
Click General tags (1), select Flow tags (2). Here you will be able to see all data source fields in your Self Service Portal.
You can identify the correct tag to edit, by looking at the Name value. This name value corresponds with the value displayed above the field in the Self Service Portal.
In this example we would like to edit the "Claim reason" tag. Click the Pen icon next to the correct tag (3).
After clicking the Pen Icon, a popup will appear on your screen, where we can edit the flow tag. Under "Select tag type" we can see that Single Select is selected, which means that this is a dropdown, where the customer can select one option.
Editing the Single select field
In tag name we can edit text displayed above the field, and edit how the text is translated in our Self Service Portal.
The Scope should always be set to product for B2C flow tags.
The Channel should always be set to B2C to be displayed in the Self Service Portal.
Here we define wether the field should be required from the customer, or if they can go through the Self Service Portal without providing this information.
Here we can edit the options in the dropdown, and provide translations for the various options. (continued below)
Here you can provide the customer with a guide to help the customer in finding the information you are requesting.
Editing the options in a Single select dropdown menu
By clicking Manage options from the image above (5), you are presented with a new popup.
Here you can rearrange the order of the options with the up-down arrows.
You can also edit the name of the option. We don't recommend editing this, if your Self Service Portal is live, since it will relabel the data gathered accordingly.
Here you can delete an option, if it is no longer relevant.
Here you can add new options to the dropdown. Remember to provide translations, for the languages enabled in your Self Service Portal.