Go to the company view. In the left hand menu, find "Extended return window".
Click "Add return window".
Set the name of the Extended return window. Fx: Christmas Returns
Define the time frame, where returns should be allowed.
Enable the Extended return window on your Self Service Portal
Go to Self Service Portals, and click "manage" on the portal you want to edit.
Select the return flow, where the extended return window should be enabled
Select "Return policies" from the menu in top
Click edit on the "Return policy" you want to apply the extended return window to.
Scroll to "Select an extended return window", and choose the Extended return window, you want to apply to the flow.
Repeat this process for all return flows, where you want the extended return window applied.
Explanation of logic behind Extended Return Windows
The start date is the earliest order date, that will be accepted in the Extended return window.
The end date is the lates available return date, that will be accepted for order in the defined period*
*Claimlane will pr. default select the latest available return date. Example:
Your standard return window is 14 days.
You offer extended returns. All orders placed from 1st November, can be returned until 31st January.
If a customer placed an order on the 1st November, they will be able to create a return through Claimlane until the 31st January.
If a customer placed an order on the 20th January, they will be able to return that order until February the 3rd, since the 14 day standard return window exceeds the extended return window.