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Integrating Webshipper with Claimlane
Integrating Webshipper with Claimlane

This guide is split in 2 steps (get API & get shipping details) Provide Claimlane with these details during your onboarding.

Claimlane Support avatar
Written by Claimlane Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Generate API Token

1. Find "indstillinger" in the menu to the left

2. Choose "adgang & tokens"

3. Click "opret api-token" in the top right corner

4. Easiest setup is to choose "vælg alle" but can vary based on your business policy
5. Save this code and send it to Claimlane

Get shipping details

This guide will help you get the shipping rate id’s you need to enter on your return policies in Claimlane to connect them to a Webshipper Shipping Rate.

1. Go to connect in the menu

2. Click on the order channel set up for Claimlane

3. Click on the delivery method (Shipping rate)

4. Copy the URL

The URL now looks like this, for example

The order system ID is the number just before /update (so 3 in this case)

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