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To integrate Claimlane with Homerunner, we will need some credentials and carrier information, this guides takes you trough both steps

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Written by Claimlane Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Connecting Claimlane and Homerunner

To Connect with Homerunner, we need the Client id and Client Secret

  • You can find client id (3) and client secret (4) by clicking integration (1) and then api keys (2).

  • You need the basic authorization token when setting up, and include the whole text, also the basic and space in the beginning.

Connecting the shipping agreements

Claimlane needs to know which shipping agreement(s) to use. This is managed by the Shiping Identifier.

To find the Shipping identifier:

  1. click price (1)

  2. then select the carrier (2).

  3. Each carrier can have multiple shipping options, hover over the one you need (3)

  4. and then the shipping identifier will be shown in a popover above (4).

The baseurl is always:

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