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How to setup Shopify Refunds with Custom Actions
How to setup Shopify Refunds with Custom Actions

You can refund your customers in Shopify, directly from Claimlane. In this guide we will show you how to setup a Refund Action.

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Written by Claimlane Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Start by navigating to your organization settings. From here, select Actions (1) from the left hand menu, select Consumer ticket (2) from the top menu, and click Add action (2).

This will open a menu with 2 options. To create a Refund Action with Custom Actions, select Custom Actions (1).

From here, you will be presented with a new pop-up screen. From the Dropdown Action type, select Shopify Refund (1).

After selecting the Action Type, give your refund action a meaningful name, by typing in the Display name (1) field. This is the name you will see on the ticket.

Select whether the action should only be visible to Admin and Owner member types, by checking off the checkbox (2).

In the menu labeled "Only show for tickets created through the following tiles" (3), you select which Self Service Portal flows, the action should be available to, by enabling them in the dropdown menu.

Example: This refund action might refer to your DK (danish Shopify store), and thus should only be available on tickets from your danish Self Service Portal.

Then, you should select all the flows, where a refund action is relevant to have, in the dropdown menu.

The last step is organizing your Refund Action selecting a color. You could give all refund actions the same color.

From here, you can close the window. Now we need to setup the Webhook, so the Refund Action knows what Shopify Store to call.

Start by clicking the 3 dots (1) and click Edit Webhook (2) to open the Webhook settings.

A new pop-up window will appear. The Provider (1) should always be Custom, and the Version (2) should always be v2.

In the URL (3), you should insert the Myshopify URL, from the store, which you want this Refund Action to call.

In the API key (4), you should insert the Admin API key, you have generated for Claimlane. This will typically start with "shpat_".

See a guide here, on creating an API key for Claimlane.

You can now close the pop-up window. The action will now appear on any ticket, coming from the flows you have selected in the "Only show for tickets created through the following tiles" dropdown menu.

Go to a ticket, click Actions (1). From the menu, you can see all Custom Actions available for the ticket. See the Shopify Refund Action under the second marker (2).

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