Steps to Submit a Ticket:
1.Go to New Ticket
2.Select the Brand
3.Select Ticket Type: Choose between claims, returns, or delivery issues. Sometimes there may be only one option.
4.Click Add Product
5.Add Product Information: Include pictures, issue tags, and a description.
6.Click Save Product
7.Optionally, Add Another Product or finish by clicking Next - Review Ticket.
8.Review Your Ticket and click Submit Ticket when ready.
9.Optionally, Add Your Own Reference Number (for example, from your ERP system).
Issue 1: You cannot find product information or encounter an error (see screenshot below).
1.Check the Brand’s Guide: Verify the format being used.
2.If the data is correct but not found, click I Can’t Find My Style Number and then click OK
on the pop-up screen to proceed. This allows you to submit a ticket with incorrect data.
Issue 2: Forgetting to Press Next - Review Ticket and Submit Ticket.
Make sure to follow all the steps, especially the final submission step