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How to see statistics for quantity of tickets in Claimlane
How to see statistics for quantity of tickets in Claimlane

In this guide we will walk through how to use the Analytics tool, to see the amount of tickets handled through Claimlane.

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Written by Claimlane Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Navigate to the Analytics module

To access the Analytics Module you need to have access to your organization's Company. You can get this, from your account owner.

Click the Company settings (1), and select Analytics (2) from the dropdown.

You will be directed to the Analytics module, and presented with a new window. Here, we define what data we want to analyze.

  1. In the Retailer or Supplier field (1) select your organization's account type.

  2. In the Brand/Retailer field (2) select which Brand or Retailer you want to see data for.

  3. (Optional) In the Self-Service Portals field (3) select the Self-Service Portals you want to see data for. Only relevant, if you wish to analyze data for b2c tickets.

  4. (Optional) In the Data source field (4) select the Data Source you want to see data for. This selection is required to see data for the fields contained in the data source.

After filling all relevant field, click the blue Done button.

Setup the analytics view

This will open the Analytics Dashboard.

  1. Start by selecting whether you want to see data for your B2B or B2C tickets (1). B2B tickets are tickets from retailers to suppliers. B2C tickets are tickets from the Self Service Portal.

  2. Select All (2) to see all tickets.

  3. Add at least 1 column of data fx: Product SKU under Columns (3).

  4. Add a filter, if you only want to see certain tickets, under Filters (4). The values in Columns & Filters correspond 1:1, which means you can filter on any data displayed.

  5. Check off Show number of cases (5) to see the total amount of tickets for the selection.

For this example, we have enabled the data column Outcome (auto) (1), which is a tag that indicates whether the ticket has been accepted or declined.

In the table we see the following:

  • In the first column (2) we see the data for the selected tag. For this example we have selected Outcome (auto).

  • In the second column (3) we see the number of tickets, sorted by the data in the first column. This is shown because we have checked off "Show number of cases".

  • In the third column (3), we see the quantity of products, sorted by the first and second column.

When you have created a table, that you would like to see frequently, you can save it to the dashboard for instant access. Click the 3 dots, and select Save to dashboard (1).
This table will now always be available from Dashboards (2).

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