Perform a GET request to the following endpoint. Some query params must be changed between each call and some should not be changed, see below.{organizationType**}**&allB2cFlows=1&dataSourceId={dataSourceId}&fromDateUnix={fromDateUnix}&toDateUnix={toDateUnix}&page=0
The following query params must be changed to fit your need.
dataSourceId: UUID, you can find it here.
organizationType: retailer or supplier depending on your account.
fromDateUnix: Unix timestamp, tickets created after this date. Example: 1686636782
toDateUnix: Unix timestamp, tickets created before this date. Example: 1693679131
page: 0, 1, 2… Pagination (You will pull at most 1000 products at a time). This will most likely never be an issue for you if you pull data daily or weekly. In that case just leave at 0.
API key
You will get this from Claimlane
{ "api-key": {apiKey} }
Since you have processing time on tickets, we recommend that you pull data 1 or 2 weeks back in time depending on your typical processing time such that processing is done when you request them.
Data result
All relevant values with be in the “values” array on each product, see example below
{ "ticketId": "UUID", "productId": "UUID", "quantity": 1, "createdAt": 1686682101, "values": [ { "label": "Product SKU", "columnType": "productSku", "value": "11010010" }, { "label": "Product name", "columnType": "productName", "value": "Test product name" }, ... ] }