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All CollectionsHomepage Redirection Announcement (starting on November 23rd, 2022)
Homepage Redirection Announcement (starting on November 23rd, 2022)
Homepage Redirection Announcement (starting on November 23rd, 2022)
Written by 유스(김기태)
Updated over a week ago

Thank you so much for taking courses with CLASS101+.

We truly appreciate your love and support. As our homepage is redirected to a subscription, we would like to share a few important things for your better understanding of our service. 😍


Starting on November 23, 2022,

The existing website ( for individual classes has been redirected to a subscription website, CLASS101+.

CLASS101+ is a subscription service that offers you unlimited access to more than 4,000 classes at an affordable price.

Homepage Redirection

Q & A

Q. I was taking courses from the existing website. How can I continue on the subscription website?

A. You can still access your registered classes through the subscription website. Go to CLASS101+>Click “My classes” at the top of the right corner. You will be able to see the classes you are taking.

>> Click here for “My Class”.

Q. If I subscribe, do I have unlimited access to the classes that I purchased before?

A. If your class is available on the subscription service, yes, you can have unlimited access to the class if you subscribe. You can search for your class on CLASS101+ by searching for its title, creator’s name, or keywords.

❗Note❗ Some classes might not be available due to existing contract issues with the creator.

>>Click here to search for your class

Q. Can I still purchase the individual class rather than the subscription?

A. You can still purchase the individual class, but we recommend you experience the affordable which offers more than 4,000 classes with unlimited access.

Q. Where do I find the remaining class time for my previously purchased classes?

A. On CLASS101+, you can check the progress rate and duration of the class you were taking. Please go to CLASS101+> Click “My Classes” > Click “View access period”.

If you are taking the same class from both and CLASS101+, you have unlimited access to that class during your subscription period regardless of the expiration time.

>>Click here for “My Classes”

Q. My purchased classes have disappeared! What should I do?

A. If your purchased class is expired already, it will not be displayed on the subscription page anymore. However, if you started subscribing, you can continue watching your class on the subscription page.

❗Note❗ You should double-check if your class is available on the subscription.

Q. I can't search for my class on the subscription website. Why is that?

A. If you don’t see your class on CLASS101+, it means it's not available on the subscription due to existing contract issues with the creator. :(

If you really wish to purchase the class, you can go to the individual sales website and purchase the class separately.

Please follow the instructions below for the individual class sales:

[Click "Profile Picture" on the right top corner > Click "Purchase Individual Classes"]

>>Click here for the individual class sales

Q. Where do I find my order history for class and kit?

A. You can go to [CLASS101+> Click "Profile Picture" > Click "Order and Shipping"].

Q. Will the class rating, mission, and comments be gone as well?

A. Yes, your class information such as a class rating, mission, and comments will be synced to the subscription website. You can check on [CLASS101+> "My Classes"> "Continue Watching" > "View the rest of the course"]

Q. If I purchased the subscription, can I also access Korean or Japanese courses?

A. Yes, starting on November 24th, 2022, you can take all classes from Korea, Japan, U.S. on the CLASS101+ website. However, we are still in the process of dealing with the auto-translation issues and for that reason, you may not see some Korean or Japanese videos on the U.S. site. If it's the case, you can change the setting to Korea or Japan and search for your class there. :)

**Please note that we offer English subtitles for videos and class notes only.

You can access Japanese and Korean sites through [CLASS101+ >"My Classes" > "Settings" > "Region Settings".

※You can also check the classes you searched for and took with the different regions in “My Class”.

>>Click here for “My Class”.

Q. Can I purchase the class kit from Korea/Japan website as well?

A. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase the class kit from Korea or Japan. :(

Q. I’m taking a course from the Korean website. Can I have the translated version for the class attachment?

A. I’m sorry but we don’t offer the translated version at the moment. :(

Q. I purchased the Korea and Japan classes before, but I can’t see them in my order.

A. If you purchased the class from the Korean or Japanese [] website, it won't show on the subscription. You should change your region on the website to the country where you bought the class.

🟨Please follow the below instructions:

  1. Go to CLASS101+ > Click "Profile Picture" > "Settings" > Click "Region Settings".

  2. Go back to "Profile Picture" > Click "Order and Shipping" on the left.

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