Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) now requires all relief teachers complete a COVID-19 vaccination declaration in ClassCover before commencing work. All BCE schools will be required to take note of a teacher’s declaration status and sight their proof of vaccination before they can start work.
What action do teachers need to take?
When logging into ClassCover, teachers will be prompted to declare if they comply with BCE’s COVID-19 vaccination policy. When they comply, they are required to bring proof of their vaccination to the next BCE school they are booked at for validation. Teachers who fail to comply to the vaccination policy will have an ‘incomplete profile’ label on their profile.
What actions do schools need to take?
Logging into ClassCover, you will now see an ‘incomplete’ label next to teachers who have not actioned the vaccine declaration. This will be visible next to a teacher’s name in Find New Teachers, My Teachers and the Booking page.
This is how a teacher’s profile will look like if they have not actioned the vaccine declaration
Once a teacher has confirmed they comply, , the ‘incomplete profile’ label will disappear from their profile.
Actions for schools:
1. Encourage your regular relief teachers to update their profiles - When you speak with a relief teacher, ensure they have updated their profile by completing the declaration.
2. Sight proof of COVID-19 vaccination on their first day You will need to sight their proof of vaccination before they can start work.
3. Mark the teacher as ‘approved’ in ClassCover — Once you have verified the teacher’s vaccination, mark them as ‘approved’ in ClassCover.
4. Check for the green tick – once they are approved in ClassCover, the teacher’s profile will have a green tick.