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Action Items

Learn how to make quick adjustments to your classes learning plan.

Ted Feller avatar
Written by Ted Feller
Updated over a week ago

Action Items

Action items are displayed right in your home screen! Simply click and resolve cards as they appear.

List of Action Items:

Intervention Needed

  • Student appears to be answering randomly

  • Student is struggling with the noted skill and teacher intervention may be needed

Proficiency Reached

  • Student has achieved proficiency in the noted skill. Please take a moment to review their assignments see if any need to be unassigned.

Fluency Reached

  • Student has achieved fluency in the noted skill and was assigned the more advanced skill in the related skill family.

Practice Alignment

  • Reduce Assignments

  • Remove Old Assignments

Challenge Notifications

  • Another teacher has challenged you

  • You won a monthly challenge

  • You lost a monthly challenge

HeroBadge Earned

  • Students have earned the herobadge they are working towards

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