As a ClickBank User, you can choose to use ClickBank to host your digital product. ClickBank provides a content delivery system that allows sellers to fulfill their digital orders using ClickBank as a liaison, rather than delivering it to their customers themselves. This is helpful because it provides the ClickBank Seller with access security and anti-sharing security.
For example, if a customer has been issued a refund for a digital product that is delivered via ClickBank, they will not be able to access it once the refund is processed. Additionally, if a customer shares their download URL, ClickBank will disable the URL to prevent additional unauthorized access.
This feature is ideal for e-books and for users that have minimal programming experience. ClickBank only hosts one digital product per seller. Before you proceed to list your product in the ClickBank Marketplace, you are responsible for acquiring all legal documentation including copyrights.
This article contains the following sub-articles:
How to Upload a Digital Product
Note: The following file types are accepted: .txt, .mobi, .doc, .pdf, .epub, .docx. File size maximum is 20 MB.
Step 2: Click the Accounts tab. Access the specific account nickname you wish to add a digital product in.
Step 3: Click the account nickname of the sales account you want to add a digital product to.
Step 4: Click the Vendor Settings tab.
Step 5: Click My Products.
Step 6: Click Add New Product.
Step 7: From the Add New Product dropdown menu, select One-Time Digital Product or Digital Product with Physical Component.
Step 8: Enter the Product Details into their respective fields and click Next.
Note: All images must be approved by ClickBank.
Related: Guide to Using Images on ClickBank
Step 9: Provide the URL for the Pitch Page.
Step 10: Check the box indicating that you do not have a Thank You page and you want ClickBank to host your digital file.
Step 11: Upload your file in one of the accepted formats.
Step 12: Provide pricing information in the Pricing section and click Next.
Step 13: Enter in the commission information for your product and click Next.
Step 14: Click Save & Exit.
Once your product is hosted by ClickBank, it will be available indefinitely to the customer unless:
The order has been refunded
The customer has initiated a chargeback against the transaction
The file has been removed by the seller
There have been too many access attempts
The product has been deactivated by the seller
The account of the seller has been closed
ClickBank has disabled the download or the account of the seller due to fraudulent activity
How to Edit or Delete a Digital Product
Step 2: Click the Accounts tab. Access the specific account nickname you wish to add a digital product in.
Step 3: Click the account nickname of the sales account you want to add a digital product to.
Step 4: Click the Vendor Settings tab.
Step 5: Click My Products.
Step 6: Locate the product you wish to edit or delete and click the Edit icon.
Step 7: Locate the Pitch Page & Thank You Page section.
Step 8: To host the digital product yourself uncheck the I do not have a Thank You Page. box. You will be required to provide a Thank You Page URL that gives your customers instructions on how to access the digital product.
Step 9: To edit or replace your ClickBank-hosted digital file, click Select a Different File and then click Delete on the warning pop-up. This will delete your current file and allow you to upload an edited or new file.
Step 10: Click Save & Exit.
Additional Resources & Related Articles
OFFICIAL GUIDE: ClickBank Seller Launch List
KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: What products are allowed or not allowed?
KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE: Protecting Your Product
KNOWLEDGE BASE: Guide to Using Images on ClickBank