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Multiple Senders and/or From Names
Multiple Senders and/or From Names

Sending gifts from different people in one account

Nate avatar
Written by Nate
Updated over a week ago

There are two places to add or change the Master Signature/From Name:

I. Master Signature


*The system will automatically fill in any blank From Names with this signature.

II. The "From Name" and "Refer To Sender" under a specific touch or service (directions below).

*Adding a name here will override the Master Signature.

Transaction Package:

  1. Click "MY TRANSACTIONS" on the left.

  2. Select the transaction you wish to adjust. Next to Package Display Names, click "CHANGE".

  3. Adjust the names accordingly in the "REFER TO SENDER AS" box.

  4. Click "SAVE".

Retention Plan:

  1. Click "MY PLANS" in the left sidebar.

  2. Select the plan you wish to adjust. Next to From Name on the far right, click the pencil icon.

  3. Adjust the names accordingly in the "FROM NAME" box.

  4. Click "SAVE".

One-Off Touch including Birthday Box, Home Anniversary, Situational Gift, and Just Because:

  1. Click "PEOPLE" in the left sidebar.

  2. Select the contact you wish to adjust.

  3. Scroll down to One-Off Touches and select the touch you wish to adjust.

  4. Next to "INCLUDED MESSAGE" select Edit.

  5. Adjust the names accordingly in the "FROM NAME" box.

  6. Click "SAVE".

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