
All Top of Mind and Client Retention plans are automatically set to auto-renew at the end of their timeline.

Nate avatar
Written by Nate
Updated over a week ago

To ensure your client receives a non-stop curated experience on your behalf, all Top of Mind and Client Retention plans are automatically set to auto-renew at the end of their timeline.

Members love the feature to have their clients on a set-it-and-forget-it retention campaign to have their current and past clients taken care of, and not have to worry about client retention plans fall off due to carrying out all of the scheduled touches.

However, we understand members will stop working with clients under specific situations or after a given time, and the member may want to stop a retention plan after a couple of years of taking care of a client. Turning off the Auto-Renew function will make sure the client receives the remaining touches for the year and doesn't renew at the end of that retention plan.

If you change your mind and wish to have your client taken care of with a client retention plan, turning on the Auto-Renew function can will reactivate your client's retention plan.

To Turn Off the Auto-Renew Function:

  1. Login to your dashboard.

  2. Click on "My Plans" on the left sidebar.

  3. Select the client and corresponding retention plan you wish to adjust.

  4. Click "Turn Off" in the client information pane.


To Turn On the Auto-Renew Function:

  1. Login to your dashboard.

  2. Click on "My Plans" on the left sidebar.

  3. Select the client and corresponding retention plan you wish to adjust.

  4. Click "Turn Auto-Renew On" in the client information pane.


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