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Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication on Mobile
Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication on Mobile
Updated over 3 months ago

What is Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security to help protect your account from unauthorized access. Multi-Factor authentication is required to login to the Client Portal app every 30 days.

On your mobile device, Canopy offers support for email authentication, SMS, or with a third party app (eg., Google Authenticator). By default, the authentication code is sent to your verified email address.

Add Multi-Factor Authentication for SMS

To access settings, be sure you've downloaded the Canopy Client Portal App on your preferred mobile device.

Follow the steps below to add and verify your phone number for receiving MFA codes via text message (SMS).

Heads Up! When you download the latest version of the app, your experience may change. On your second login, a pop-up will prompt you to set up additional MFA methods. Note: This will occur only if you have email MFA set up. If you've already configured additional MFA methods, you won't see the pop-up. We recommend choosing text message (SMS) MFA for better convenience and efficiency.

After tapping Add MFA methods, you'll be taken to the MFA configuration page. To complete the setup, skip ahead to the Choose your Verification Method section of this article!

1. Log in to the Canopy App.

You will see a notification with information about MFA. After reviewing it, click Done to continue to the next step.

Click the Settings Icon in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Tap the Multi-Factor Authentication tab.

Choose Your Verification Method

Your email is already confirmed to receive verification codes. You can now configure your settings to receive these codes via text (SMS), through an authentication app, or both!

Set up Text Message (SMS) Authentication

1. Tap the Text Message (SMS) tab.

2. Add your Phone Number.

  • Type your mobile phone number into the Phone number box.

  • Tap the checkbox to agree to receive text messages.

  • Select Send Code to receive the verification code via text.

3. Enter the code to verify.

You will receive a verification code via text after selecting the send code button. Simply copy and paste, or manually enter, the code in the the Enter Code box.

Next, select Verify to complete the set up.

  • You can select Resend code if you haven't received the code after a few minutes.

Once Verify is selected, you will be brought back to the MFA configuration page.

  • A green checkmark will indicate the set up is complete.

  • A pop-up at the bottom of the screen will confirm the verification.

That was quick! If you'd like, you can now set up your authentication app for added security.

Set up Your Authenticator App

1. Select the Authenticator App tab.

2. Follow Authenticator App Setup steps.

  • Download an authenticator app onto your mobile device if you don't already have one. We recommend Duo Mobile or Google Authenticator as some options.

  • Tap the Copy Key button to copy to your clipboard, later this will be pasted into your authenticator app.

  • Tap Next to continue.

After tapping Next, close the Canopy app temporarily to open your authenticator app.

  • In the authenticator app, use the key you copied to create a code generator for Canopy.

  • Once the code generator is set up, tap the verification code to copy it to your clipboard.

  • Return to the Canopy app and paste the code to verify your setup.

3. Enter the code from the authenticator into the Canopy app.

Paste or manually enter the verification code into the Enter Code box.

Tap Verify to complete the setup.

Thats it! You've set up your Canopy app for optimal convenience and security.

Remove MFA Methods

Removing an MFA method is easy!

  • Tap on the MFA method you'd like to remove.

  • Tap the trash can icon in the pop-up.

  • Select Done.

Voila! You can add or remove MFA methods any time.

Note: Email cannot be removed as an MFA method as this is the default setting.

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