Alert types:
1. Rising lead cost: When lead cost exceeds max cost
2. Broken CRM: When leads are no longer reported in CRM
3. Over spend: When amount spent exceeds daily budget
Alerts are automatic and when triggered creates a task. The tasks are initially assigned to the clients media buyer.
You can see tasks here
Tasks are broken up into three sections.
Pending - New alerts
In-progress - Once fix has been implemented
Completed - Once issue is resolved.
The "In-Progress" stage exists to reduce duplicate tasks.
For example: A lead cost alert fires and ads are optimized shortly after - it may take a few days before lead costs returns to normal.
But if it was marked complete upon optimization and a few hours later costs still exceeded MAX cost, the media buyer would be notified again.
Move tasks to in-progress if you suspect the issue won't be resolved immediately but a solution has been put in place.
The task will automatically move to completed if ClientView sees the costs go down or CRM starts seeing leads again.