Affiliation agreements connect you and your clinical site partner to begin scheduling students on rotations. You may find one, or more, agreements pending approval when you log in.
Note: Clinician Nexus serves as a platform to communicate your affiliations and does not act, or function, as a place to legally create or enforce your agreements. The purpose for including agreement details in Clinician Nexus is to give you a framework to quickly reference and schedule based upon agreed terms.
After reading this article you will be able to...
View and Access Affiliation Agreements
Verify Affiliation Agreement Parameters
View and Access Affiliation Agreements
You can find proposed agreements from clinical site partners on your Agreements page:
Agreements Page:
Click Settings from your left navigation menu
Click Agreements from the submenu.
On the Agreements page, you can access proposed, active, and closed agreements
Verify Affiliation Agreement Parameters
From either the rotations or agreements page, click on the agreement row labeled Pending school to review the proposed agreement.
In the Agreement details window, you can review the parameters of the proposed agreement and Accept, or Close/reject the agreement:
If you would like to make changes to the agreement, you can edit the content directly in Agreement details, and click the Propose changes button. This will send a request to the clinical site to review, and accept/reject/propose additional changes.
Once the agreement has been accepted by both the school and clinical site, it will display in Active status on your Agreements page. You can then proceed to schedule your students.
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