As school staff, you have the ability to customize, save, and share your reports with other members of your organization.
After reading this article you will be able to...
Create Custom Reports
Share a Report
Reorder/Delete Reports
Create Custom Reports
To Create a Custom Report:
Click the Reports on your left navigation menu (All standard reports are still available to run on an ad-hoc basis, but now you can select from a template, and customize any report to save for later use):
Next, select the report template you'd like to use, and rename it
Optionally, add a description and color-code the report icon
Then apply the filtered criteria you wish to save
Click the yellow save icon on the upper right corner of the page
Final View:
Your saved custom report will then be listed under Reports on the menu:
Share a Custom Report
To share a custom report with your colleagues:
Click on a custom report from your Reports list
In the top right corner of your screen click the Share with colleagues icon
You can then select your organization and the report will be shared with all staff members at your organization.
Delete Reports
To delete a report, click the three dots in your saved reports, then select remove report:
Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.