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School Courses

Schools: How to Add and Manage Courses

Kate Mattison avatar
Written by Kate Mattison
Updated over a week ago

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Add Students to Your School

  • Create Courses

  • Add Students Enrolled in the Course

  • Schedule Students

Add Students to Your School

To add students...

  • Click Students from your left dashboard menu

  • Click + Add student from the submenu

  • Enter the student's program, full name, email address, student type, year of study, and graduation date.

  • Click Add student

Create Courses

To add a course...

  • Select the Courses tab on the left menu

  • Click + Add course

  • Input the correct location/program, Course name, start and end date, required hours, and target number of students for the course

  • Click Save

Note: Target number of students is not a hard limit. A warning will display if more students are added.

Add Students Enrolled in the Course

To add students to a course...

  • Select the Courses tab on the left menu, and select a course already created

  • Click Add students under the Students section

  • Select student(s) from the list

  • Optionally Group the students (see more information below)

  • Click Save

You can optionally group students for an easier scheduling and course management process. Once a group is created, they will appear in the Students section on the Courses page.

  • Select + New student group

  • Enter a group name

  • Click Create group

Schedule Students

To schedule students...

  • Click +Schedule students on your left dashboard menu.

  • Select the organization

  • Choose the opportunity

  • Specify the course associated with the rotation

  • Select the student(s) to be scheduled, or group, if created for courses

  • Add a date range for the opportunity

  • Add any additional comments and click Submit

You will be able to see all rotations related to the course on the courses page

Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.

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