School Compliance Steps are tasks, or documents, requiring completion and/or uploads into Clinician Nexus in preparation for a student beginning a rotation at a site. There are several configuration options. This allows documentation to be collected by students, or school coordinators. The information can be tracked and visible to all relevant parties. More specific configuration information is provided later in this article.
After reading this article you will understand or be able to...
Add a New Step
Step Configuration Details & Samples
Apply a Step Scenario
Delete a Scenario
School Compliance Step Page Actions
Delete Step
Archive Step
View Submissions
Add a New Step
Click Settings from your left navigation menu
Then, from the submenu click School compliance steps
From here, you can click +Add school compliance step:
Step Configuration Details & Samples
Name the step and include a description and any necessary instructions that will be helpful for completing the step. Steps can be configured as one of three types. Form, document upload, or confirmation checkbox.
Sample Form Step Configuration:
Sample File Upload Configuration:
Sample Confirmation Checkbox Step:
Customize the step by adding additional information in the optional fields provided. Once you've completed the configuration of your steps, you can add any attachments needed.
Additional Step Configuration
Assign the step to be completed by a specific user type including students, school faculty, or school coordinators.
Add due date for the step. This due date can be adjusted on the "My steps" page at any point either for individuals or in bulk.
If the step requires verification, you can set the step to be required by a general school staff member or a specific school coordinator.
Optionally, allow the step to be waived or skipped.
Apply a Step Scenario:
The default setting is to apply the scenario to all students. You can narrow this by assigning the step to students with a specific Student Year, Discipline, Program or Course by clicking "Edit".
Delete a Scenario
You can delete a scenario by clicking the red trash can found in the top right corner of the scenario fields:
School Compliance Step Page Actions
Delete, archive or view submissions for a step by clicking on the three dots on the far right side of the step. View submissions is an efficient way to view a specific steps completion status pre-filtered on the My Steps page.
View submissions is an efficient way to view a specific steps completion status pre-filtered on the My Steps page.
Sample: Filtered view that appears after clicking "View Submissions"
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