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School: Custom Tags

Create custom tags and assign them to students/staff

Kate Mattison avatar
Written by Kate Mattison
Updated over a week ago

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Create a Custom Tag

  • Assign tag to...

    • Existing students in student list

    • New students

  • Assign tag to staff role

Create a Custom Tag

If a staff member only needs permissions to view a certain group of students, you can create custom tags linked to individual students. You can then assign a staff role to a custom tag, so the staff member can only view those students.

To Add a Custom Tag:

  • Click Settings from your left navigation​ menu​

  • Click Custom tags from the submenu​

  • Click + Add custom tag at the top of the page

  • Select an owner location, enter a name and optional description​

  • Click Add custom tag

Assign tag to...

You can assign tags to students already in your student list, or when adding a new student in Clinician Nexus

Assign a custom tag to already existing students:

  • Click Students from your left navigation menu

  • Select each student you would like to assign a tag to, by clicking the teal checkbox next to their name

  • Click edit students at the top of the page

  • Scroll to the bottom and select the tag

  • Click update students

Assign a custom tag while you are adding a new student:

  • Click Students from your left navigation menu

  • Click + Add student from the submenu

  • Enter the student's program, full name, email address, student type, year of study, graduation date and custom tag.

  • Click Add student

Assign tag to staff role

You can assign staff members to custom tags to restrict their view down to only the rotations and students they need to see.

To Assign Custom Tag to Staff Role:

  • Click Settings from the left navigation menu

  • Click Staff from the submenu

  • From the list, click on the staff member to edit

  • In the person's information window, edit their staff role to restrict by custom tags, and select the tag

  • Click Save

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