Creating your Clockwork account
1) First, you'll want to Create your Clockwork Account. To get started, you'll need to provide:
First & Last Name
Company Name
Email Address
Whether you are a business user or a finance/accounting professional
A Password (note: passwords should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters)
Finally, agree to our terms and conditions - then you'll be good to go!
Importing your financials
2) Next, we will want to connect our accounting software so Clockwork can start working its magic.
Click on the icon for your accounting software, log in, and select the company you’d like to connect (note: during this step you must enter admin-level credentials in QuickBooks or Xero to authorize the connection with Clockwork)
3) Sit back for a few minutes!
At import, Clockwork is analyzing trends, patterns, and relationships to create a custom model and automated baseline projections for your account.
🕰️ Read more about How Clockwork Calculates your Baseline Forecasts
4) That’s it! You can now access your Clockwork account by clicking the big aqua button below, clicking in from your registration email, or logging into Clockwork with your new email and password.