Login Issues FAQ

Below is a list of Frequently asked Login questions

Walker Smith avatar
Written by Walker Smith
Updated over a week ago

Main Login Page: https://app.closepin.com/


I cannot login to Closepin what does this mean?

  1. You are currently not a user in the profile.

    1. If you are not a user in the profile, a fellow coworker who is a user in the profile can add you as an user. Here is how to do so: https://intercom.help/closepin/en/articles/4633655-how-to-add-a-new-user-to-the-profile

  2. You are inputting an incorrect password.

    1. If you are unsure of your login password to Closepin, you can click Forgot your password? which will take you to a page to submit your email for a password reset which will be sent to the email address submitted.

  3. Your company is not registered with Closepin.

    1. If you are unsure if your company has a Closepin profile, please reach out to support@closepin.com and we will be able to search your company name and address within our system to check for you. If your company is not registered we will send you a link to create a profile and if your company is registered, we can add you as a user to the profile.

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