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Copy Call Flow

Use the copy call flow feature and save anything from one step to an entire number branch for use elsewhere

Written by Shelby Glynn
Updated over 2 months ago

The Copy call flow step makes number routing easier when the Go to step is not an option. Businesses which need multiple numbers that follow the same or similar routes can speed up the call flow design process by copying existing call flows.

User Role:

  • Admin

Steps to Copy Call Flow

Admin can simply route one number and copy desired steps, branches, or the entire route for use within the same number or other numbers.

  1. Anytime we want to edit the call flow for a number, we must start from the Dashboard and navigate to the Numbers tab on the lefthand side of the page. After searching the list of numbers, click the pencil (edit) icon next to the number from which you would like to copy a call flow.

  2. Click Configure call flow

  3. In the top righthand corner of the number editor, click Copy call flow.

  4. We are presented two options to choose from: Pick just a few or Select all nodes.

    1. Pick just a few allows us to aggregate steps one by one. We can select one or more steps (nodes). When a step has been selected, any steps connected to the selected step will highlight, giving us the option to add these connected steps to our final copy.

      Note: Selecting two or more nodes which are child branches to
      another node will cause the parent node to be automatically

    2. Select all nodes causes all nodes (steps) in the current number to be automatically selected. From here, we can deselect steps we do not want as part of our copy. Be aware that deselecting a node which has connected subsequent steps (i.e., child branches) will automatically deselect those child branches.

  5. After choosing an option and checking/unchecking all the connected steps you would like to copy, click the Save workflow copy button at the bottom of the number editor.

  6. We can paste our saved copy into the same number which we are currently editing, or into the call flow of a different number. When you are ready to access your most recent copy, you can do so by pressing the + button on an available call flow branch. Choose the last action type—Add saved flow.

    If you run into problems pasting your call flow into a certain 
    branch, this could be due to an action type conflict in
    your copy. Some action types cannot logically follow others.

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